Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to LOVE a job you HATE

How to LOVE a Task that You HATE

Successful people make a habit of doing those things
that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.

Let's face it. If we are going to truly excel in our life and
business, than there are certain tasks that we simply
must do. Many of these tasks strike us as just plain
unpleasant, even painful.

Unfortunately, we are wired to avoid pain. This means
that unless we change our perspective on certain Peak
Performance behaviors, we will avoid them, and sabotage
our own success.

On the other hand, perhaps we will do our necessary
tasks, but complete them with clenched teeth, furrowed
brows and irritation coursing through our bodies. That
state is not very pleasant, and will seriously hurt our
productivity. What happens when we need to speak in
that mood? We say ugly, unproductive things!

What is the ideal solution? It's simple.

Learn to love the task that you hate.

Yes, you can. Remember, it is not the task that makes
your mood. It's what you tell yourself about that task.

Now, the first time I discovered this, I was in a moment
of motherhood- vexation. Since then, I've applied this strategy
to my business tasks with great success too.

Here's what happened...

I was in the mini-van driving all four of my children to all
kinds of different places. I felt like I had a hundred other
things that I should have been doing, and I realized that
I despised the thankless job of taxi-driver. As I sat there
scowling and driving, I realized that I needed help.

In a still agitated voice I shouted to the kids, "What is
great about car time?"

All four glanced at eachother, looked confused and asked


"What is great about car time?" I asked, a little nicer.
"I know I need a new attitude and I'm feeling stuck."

Soon, they came up with some benefits:

"We get where we need to go."

"We get to listen to new music on the radio."

"We get to tell you about our day."

"We get to be together."

"We get to have our gratitude parties."

And on they went.

Somehow, after each idea, I felt better.

It was true. We so rarely got to be together at home
to talk and sing, and laugh. What a great opportunity
we had in the car. Why did I possibly hate it so much?

From that moment on, I have loved "car time." I've loved it
on long road trips when we were stuck in traffic, and I've
loved it when we were just coming straight home after school.

I find treasure in having all four of my kids in such close
proximity to me. When their dad is around, it's even

I've learned to love a task that I once hated.

Since then, I've helped myself attach pleasure to all sorts
of unpleasant tasks, and the result has been what we're
all after anyway - greater peace, joy, and more profit.

What is it that you need to do? What is keeping you
from doing it with a smile?

I once had a staff member who made his living as a
tele-marketer. He totally hated it, until he used
his acting skills and started making his calls with
different foreign accents. He started setting records
at his company because he was having so much fun.

At that point, he got promoted to something he
truly enjoyed.

What is one success-habit that you dread, but which
could make you much more successful? Only
you know the answer to that.

Whatever it is, here are three empowering questions
regarding that task:

1. Why is this task important?
2. What is great about this task?
3. How can I do it in a way that is enjoyable?

Take a few minutes to answer those questions. We would
love to hear what you come up with.

Nothing is impossible. You can think, act, and feel
like successful people do, and achieve the same

You're already successful.

Now, play to win.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to REMEMBER Your Perfect Future

How to REMEMBER Your Perfect Future

"NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen. " Hebrews 11:1

Almost a hundred years ago, magnificent mind boggling discoveries began
to be made in the field of quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
These laws seemed to defy regular physics.

Eventually it was discovered that all matter is part of a sea of connected atoms
and subatomic particles. What's more, these particles are simply frequencies
of energy spinning in "states of possibilities" Time does not even exist in
this realm. Everything past and future is spinning in a place of right NOW.

I could go on, and give you a resource guide of 70 books to read on the subject,
but the important thing is this:

This sub-atomic matter doesn't even exist in our dimension until we observe it.
That means we have to see the unseen before it becomes visible to our natural
eyes. The more clearly we observe in our imagination, the faster it becomes "real."

That place where you see the desired outcome, and feel the gratitude for it, is
the place of faith. Right now, your faith is giving substance to things hoped for.

On the negative side, your fears are giving substance to things dreaded. They
can't coexist without cancelling each other out. The frequencies of fear and faith
are opposite and equal.

You hear this physics when you slip on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones in
an airport. The headphones create equal and opposite frequencies to counter act
the airport noise that you hear. The result feels like silence to you, but all the energy
of those sounds is still around you. Your observation just changed.

Wow. I am trying to say this as simply as possible.

The point is: Your God-ordained future is yours to co-create, while your past is subject to new

No, you can't change the past, but you can change the meaning you give to
past events. You can change the power past memories have on your present
state, and on your future.

You can come into agreement with the "High and Lofty One who dwells in eternity"
and find out the plans he has for you. His plans are to prosper you and not to harm
you, to give you a future and a hope.

How do you do this and step into this Divine prosperity?

Here are the steps that have caused me and Paul to personally experience at least
20 miracles over the past 20 years.

1. Turn off all the noise and static.
Stop letting things into your eyes and ears that feed fear and confusion.
This seems obvious, but I'm amazed at how many people will fill their mind
with stuff that has nothing to do with where they want to go.

2. Find a promise and cling to it
I know this works for people who don't believe the Bible, but frankly, I don't
love or trust any other source. It was Jesus who said, "Whatever you desire
when you pray, believe that you have already received it and you shall have it."
Once I have a promise about something, I say it all the time, sing about it,
and write it on my mirror as already done.

3. Get clear on what you desire!
Remarkably most people don't get what they want, simply because they
don't really KNOW what they want. Get over the fears of your own desires.
If we all got what our hearts truly wanted, we would all get different and
correct stuff.
I'm not talking just about material things. However, it is fun to practice
using your faith on tangible stuff, because it's just so - TANGIBLE!

3. Be thankful BEFORE the answer arrives
Once you've asked for what you want, stay thankful. If doubts arise spend
more time practicing how you would feel if it were a "done deal."
Remember - Faith rejoices, gives thanks and is glad. Fear despairs,
complains and is sad. Stay in faith. Stay in gratitude.

4. Practice, practice, practice!
Practice acting like your ideal future is hear now. Practice
BEING the person who lives the ideal life. Practice having desires,
seeing mental images, and speaking words that are all in harmony
with each other.

5. Walk in love and forgiveness
Finally, it is important to stay completely free from resentment,
jealousy and strife. Remember, you can't change the past, but
you can change the meaning you give to past events. (or present
Forgive yourself and others for their shortcomings. Just about
everyone is doing the best they know how with the tools they have.
Receive God's love because His love NEVER fails, or disappoints.

As you do these steps, you will realize that your perfect future
has already been completed so there's nothing for you to struggle
over. You can get to the place where you simply...


Until next time, let me know how these steps work for you. You
can spend a lifetime practicing them. Some things will drop in
your heart more easily than others.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008



Jordan clutched his latest fundraising tickets in his hand as I watched the veins
popping out of his neck in utter frustration.

As part of the High School Varsity baseball team, he was expected to engage in
direct door to door selling to raise money for the program. I tried to teach him how
to leverage his efforts by selling where many sports fans would already be congregating.

Unfortunately, he would have nothing of it.

Finally the youthful athlete blurted out, "I'll feel like an idiot!"


I'll feel like an idiot.

Have you ever avoided a critical task because you hated "feeling like an idiot?"

Of course you have. We all have.

The fact is, at any given time, you are doing what you are doing for one
of two reasons:

1. To avoid pain- as in feeling stupid
2. To gain pleasure - as in feeling great

I don't want any of my readers feeling like an idiot at any time, unless
of course they have the good sense to laugh at themselves and can
keep going painlessly.

Last week we talked about being heard in a noisy marketplace.

Some people don't truly want to be heard, because they are afraid
of rejection.

Let's see how to clear that up right now. Take a deep breath and
practice the following steps:

1. Acknowledge your distressing emotion

Even though certain emotions don't feel good, they are a part
of your psyche. They usually just display your learned response
to stress. At any rate, your subconscious mind is simply doing
its best to protect you, so let it know you're aware of the emotion.

2. Offer acceptance or forgiveness

It's easy to feel bad towards yourself or someone else when your
emotions are firing off into fear, anger or dread. This is the moment
to accept yourself in spite of the emotion, and offer forgiveness to
whatever has triggered your distress.

3. Create an empowering choice

You can't control what happens to you, but you can ultimately choose
how you will respond to it. Now that you've acknowledged your
physical state and offered acceptance anyway, you can choose the
response of your choice.

All together - put your hands on your heart and rub or tap there as
you make a power set up.

"Even though I hate feeling like an idiot, I totally accept myself
anyway, and I choose to be calm and confident."

Try to get as specific as possible behind the emotion as you repeat:

"Even though I hate feeling like an idiot, because I care what people
think about me, I totally accept myself anyway, and I forgive people
for judging me. Now I choose to be calm and confident."


Now if you want to take that further, we have a tapping technique
that is the hottest thing right now in the realm of peak performance.
You can learn about it in my book, Flow on Demand - the Athlete's

The important thing is to get clear on those emotions and choose
love and peace anyway. Ultimately, you will reprogram yourself
so that the formerly stressful trigger now puts you in a state of
peace and confidence.

I help clients every week turn their mental blocks into breakthroughs.

It is my passion.

Until next time, keep playing hard...

And enjoy your game.

In your corner,
