Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Monday, December 08, 2008

GET MORE CLIENTS - Faster Than Ever

Note: I will be hosting a complimentary
telephone seminar on this topic: Here's the
Date: Tuesday Dec 9
Time: 7 PM Central Time

(5 PM Pacific / 6 PM Mountain / 8 PM Eastern)

Here's the phone number:
1 (712) 451-6000 access code: 664899#

GET MORE CLIENTS - Faster than Ever

Have you ever looked at your schedule and thought,
"I really wish I had some more clients right now?"

Well, let me share with you one of my favorite ways
to pick up new high paying clients and to grow my
list of subscribers:


Connect with a friend who already serves your same
ideal client in a non-competing way, and offer to serve
those people as a gift from your friend. That's called
a Joint Venture.

Here's How I like to do it:

I put on some high value seminars such as my favorite-
"Repack Your Backpack -for a Business Breakthrough" or
or "The Ultimate Marketing Makeover to Get Clients Now"

I also have friends in different cities through different
circles who have relationships with my ideal clients.
Some of these friends are financial planners, some are
bankers, some are other small business owners.

What we do is create an event for their list. This event
is a generous gift from my Joint Venture partner, because
when I'm hired by bigger corporations for these talks
they are pretty pricey. It is a way for my venture partner
to show their clients that they care about their success.

Here's some steps to make it work:

-Venue: Hold it in as lovely a place as possible. Your
country club, city club, or if you or your partner has
your own beautiful office suite with conference
room, that 's good too.

-Marketing: Invest in high quality direct response flyers,
invitations, and letters that you prepare for your partner.
You may want to put a price on the tickets, to show that
its a valuable gift from your partner. Also, create press
releases for them to give their newspaper.

-Title: Make sure that your event is about something that
matters to the audience - not just to you. Use all the rules
that apply to creating great headlines.

-Outcome: Plan your desired outcome first and design your
presentation around that. Aim for a special offer for the
audience that the every day person can't get from you. I.E:
"To thank so-and-so for inviting you here today, I am throwing
in all these valuable bonuses
for free." (and make it truly special - be authentic here.)

-Content: This goes back to the Title - make it truly valuable
information that they can use right away.

In the end, your J.V. partners may reactivate their best prospects
(past clients), and also create a way to stand out from their
competition, and you will grow your platform and probably
pick up new clients as well. Your relationship with those partners
gives you instant credibility.

Assignment: Create a list of people you know who could benefit
from you serving their community. Then start calling them up
saying, "How would you like to give something of great value to
your clients that costs you very little?" and go from there.

If you would like more lessons in how to get more clients
quickly, than make a note of our COMPLIMENTARY
The Ultimate Marketing Makeover to Get Clients Now

Date: Tuesday Dec 9
Time: 7 PM Central Time

(5 PM Pacific / 6 PM Mountain / 8 PM Eastern)

Here's the phone number:
1 (712) 451-6000 access code: 664899#

Looking forward to it,


P.S. If you are reading this, thinking you would
like to host a seminar for your clients, let me know.
We can probably work it out.

P.P.S. - What is your favorite way to get new

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to LOVE a job you HATE

How to LOVE a Task that You HATE

Successful people make a habit of doing those things
that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.

Let's face it. If we are going to truly excel in our life and
business, than there are certain tasks that we simply
must do. Many of these tasks strike us as just plain
unpleasant, even painful.

Unfortunately, we are wired to avoid pain. This means
that unless we change our perspective on certain Peak
Performance behaviors, we will avoid them, and sabotage
our own success.

On the other hand, perhaps we will do our necessary
tasks, but complete them with clenched teeth, furrowed
brows and irritation coursing through our bodies. That
state is not very pleasant, and will seriously hurt our
productivity. What happens when we need to speak in
that mood? We say ugly, unproductive things!

What is the ideal solution? It's simple.

Learn to love the task that you hate.

Yes, you can. Remember, it is not the task that makes
your mood. It's what you tell yourself about that task.

Now, the first time I discovered this, I was in a moment
of motherhood- vexation. Since then, I've applied this strategy
to my business tasks with great success too.

Here's what happened...

I was in the mini-van driving all four of my children to all
kinds of different places. I felt like I had a hundred other
things that I should have been doing, and I realized that
I despised the thankless job of taxi-driver. As I sat there
scowling and driving, I realized that I needed help.

In a still agitated voice I shouted to the kids, "What is
great about car time?"

All four glanced at eachother, looked confused and asked


"What is great about car time?" I asked, a little nicer.
"I know I need a new attitude and I'm feeling stuck."

Soon, they came up with some benefits:

"We get where we need to go."

"We get to listen to new music on the radio."

"We get to tell you about our day."

"We get to be together."

"We get to have our gratitude parties."

And on they went.

Somehow, after each idea, I felt better.

It was true. We so rarely got to be together at home
to talk and sing, and laugh. What a great opportunity
we had in the car. Why did I possibly hate it so much?

From that moment on, I have loved "car time." I've loved it
on long road trips when we were stuck in traffic, and I've
loved it when we were just coming straight home after school.

I find treasure in having all four of my kids in such close
proximity to me. When their dad is around, it's even

I've learned to love a task that I once hated.

Since then, I've helped myself attach pleasure to all sorts
of unpleasant tasks, and the result has been what we're
all after anyway - greater peace, joy, and more profit.

What is it that you need to do? What is keeping you
from doing it with a smile?

I once had a staff member who made his living as a
tele-marketer. He totally hated it, until he used
his acting skills and started making his calls with
different foreign accents. He started setting records
at his company because he was having so much fun.

At that point, he got promoted to something he
truly enjoyed.

What is one success-habit that you dread, but which
could make you much more successful? Only
you know the answer to that.

Whatever it is, here are three empowering questions
regarding that task:

1. Why is this task important?
2. What is great about this task?
3. How can I do it in a way that is enjoyable?

Take a few minutes to answer those questions. We would
love to hear what you come up with.

Nothing is impossible. You can think, act, and feel
like successful people do, and achieve the same

You're already successful.

Now, play to win.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to REMEMBER Your Perfect Future

How to REMEMBER Your Perfect Future

"NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen. " Hebrews 11:1

Almost a hundred years ago, magnificent mind boggling discoveries began
to be made in the field of quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
These laws seemed to defy regular physics.

Eventually it was discovered that all matter is part of a sea of connected atoms
and subatomic particles. What's more, these particles are simply frequencies
of energy spinning in "states of possibilities" Time does not even exist in
this realm. Everything past and future is spinning in a place of right NOW.

I could go on, and give you a resource guide of 70 books to read on the subject,
but the important thing is this:

This sub-atomic matter doesn't even exist in our dimension until we observe it.
That means we have to see the unseen before it becomes visible to our natural
eyes. The more clearly we observe in our imagination, the faster it becomes "real."

That place where you see the desired outcome, and feel the gratitude for it, is
the place of faith. Right now, your faith is giving substance to things hoped for.

On the negative side, your fears are giving substance to things dreaded. They
can't coexist without cancelling each other out. The frequencies of fear and faith
are opposite and equal.

You hear this physics when you slip on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones in
an airport. The headphones create equal and opposite frequencies to counter act
the airport noise that you hear. The result feels like silence to you, but all the energy
of those sounds is still around you. Your observation just changed.

Wow. I am trying to say this as simply as possible.

The point is: Your God-ordained future is yours to co-create, while your past is subject to new

No, you can't change the past, but you can change the meaning you give to
past events. You can change the power past memories have on your present
state, and on your future.

You can come into agreement with the "High and Lofty One who dwells in eternity"
and find out the plans he has for you. His plans are to prosper you and not to harm
you, to give you a future and a hope.

How do you do this and step into this Divine prosperity?

Here are the steps that have caused me and Paul to personally experience at least
20 miracles over the past 20 years.

1. Turn off all the noise and static.
Stop letting things into your eyes and ears that feed fear and confusion.
This seems obvious, but I'm amazed at how many people will fill their mind
with stuff that has nothing to do with where they want to go.

2. Find a promise and cling to it
I know this works for people who don't believe the Bible, but frankly, I don't
love or trust any other source. It was Jesus who said, "Whatever you desire
when you pray, believe that you have already received it and you shall have it."
Once I have a promise about something, I say it all the time, sing about it,
and write it on my mirror as already done.

3. Get clear on what you desire!
Remarkably most people don't get what they want, simply because they
don't really KNOW what they want. Get over the fears of your own desires.
If we all got what our hearts truly wanted, we would all get different and
correct stuff.
I'm not talking just about material things. However, it is fun to practice
using your faith on tangible stuff, because it's just so - TANGIBLE!

3. Be thankful BEFORE the answer arrives
Once you've asked for what you want, stay thankful. If doubts arise spend
more time practicing how you would feel if it were a "done deal."
Remember - Faith rejoices, gives thanks and is glad. Fear despairs,
complains and is sad. Stay in faith. Stay in gratitude.

4. Practice, practice, practice!
Practice acting like your ideal future is hear now. Practice
BEING the person who lives the ideal life. Practice having desires,
seeing mental images, and speaking words that are all in harmony
with each other.

5. Walk in love and forgiveness
Finally, it is important to stay completely free from resentment,
jealousy and strife. Remember, you can't change the past, but
you can change the meaning you give to past events. (or present
Forgive yourself and others for their shortcomings. Just about
everyone is doing the best they know how with the tools they have.
Receive God's love because His love NEVER fails, or disappoints.

As you do these steps, you will realize that your perfect future
has already been completed so there's nothing for you to struggle
over. You can get to the place where you simply...


Until next time, let me know how these steps work for you. You
can spend a lifetime practicing them. Some things will drop in
your heart more easily than others.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008



Jordan clutched his latest fundraising tickets in his hand as I watched the veins
popping out of his neck in utter frustration.

As part of the High School Varsity baseball team, he was expected to engage in
direct door to door selling to raise money for the program. I tried to teach him how
to leverage his efforts by selling where many sports fans would already be congregating.

Unfortunately, he would have nothing of it.

Finally the youthful athlete blurted out, "I'll feel like an idiot!"


I'll feel like an idiot.

Have you ever avoided a critical task because you hated "feeling like an idiot?"

Of course you have. We all have.

The fact is, at any given time, you are doing what you are doing for one
of two reasons:

1. To avoid pain- as in feeling stupid
2. To gain pleasure - as in feeling great

I don't want any of my readers feeling like an idiot at any time, unless
of course they have the good sense to laugh at themselves and can
keep going painlessly.

Last week we talked about being heard in a noisy marketplace.

Some people don't truly want to be heard, because they are afraid
of rejection.

Let's see how to clear that up right now. Take a deep breath and
practice the following steps:

1. Acknowledge your distressing emotion

Even though certain emotions don't feel good, they are a part
of your psyche. They usually just display your learned response
to stress. At any rate, your subconscious mind is simply doing
its best to protect you, so let it know you're aware of the emotion.

2. Offer acceptance or forgiveness

It's easy to feel bad towards yourself or someone else when your
emotions are firing off into fear, anger or dread. This is the moment
to accept yourself in spite of the emotion, and offer forgiveness to
whatever has triggered your distress.

3. Create an empowering choice

You can't control what happens to you, but you can ultimately choose
how you will respond to it. Now that you've acknowledged your
physical state and offered acceptance anyway, you can choose the
response of your choice.

All together - put your hands on your heart and rub or tap there as
you make a power set up.

"Even though I hate feeling like an idiot, I totally accept myself
anyway, and I choose to be calm and confident."

Try to get as specific as possible behind the emotion as you repeat:

"Even though I hate feeling like an idiot, because I care what people
think about me, I totally accept myself anyway, and I forgive people
for judging me. Now I choose to be calm and confident."


Now if you want to take that further, we have a tapping technique
that is the hottest thing right now in the realm of peak performance.
You can learn about it in my book, Flow on Demand - the Athlete's

The important thing is to get clear on those emotions and choose
love and peace anyway. Ultimately, you will reprogram yourself
so that the formerly stressful trigger now puts you in a state of
peace and confidence.

I help clients every week turn their mental blocks into breakthroughs.

It is my passion.

Until next time, keep playing hard...

And enjoy your game.

In your corner,


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How To Be Heard in a Noisy Marketplace

How to Be Heard in a Noisy Marketplace

One time I was in Japan at a popular tourist destination. I was with a few friends from the states, but other than that, the people around us were foreign to us. The foreigners were talking with each other so it was not a quiet place. Still, their words were meaningless to me.

Soon among the voices I heard a stranger call out to his friend in perfect English,

"Hey Tom, check this out."

The words were nothing spectacular. They were not even louder than anyone around them. But they were in my language. I instantly spun around to see who was talking. What were they "checking out?"

I smiled to see two American GI's, intrigued by a memorial. From across the crowd, they smiled back at me. We felt like friends.

In today's market place those who need to hear your message are bombarded by thousands of other messages all day long. How can you be heard among that marketing noise?

Here are a few tips:

Speak their own language

Show that you understand the pains and problems that your prospect needs to solve. Avoid technical jargon unless your prospect loves that secret "code language."

Focus on benefits, not features

Your number one job is to answer their unspoken question: "What's in it for me?" If possible arouse curiosity.

Say it with a smile

I once read that an average looking woman with a genuine smile is considered much more attractive to men than a stunning woman without one. That may be good news for you singles out there, but it's even more important for you service providers out there. Be genuine. Smile. Be attractive.

In the end, your prospects in the marketplace will do business with those they know, like, and trust. If you want to be heard you must put their need for your help above your own need for approval.

Afraid of rejection? I'll talk about that next week.

Until then, keep playing hard, keep smiling, and enjoy your game.

In Your Corner,


Friday, October 24, 2008

Remember Who You Are!

Remember Who You Are!

When our son Jordan was little he used to watch Disney's The Lion King almost every day on his little TV. It is perhaps my all time favorite animated movie.

My favorite part of that movie is when young Simba is living on his own, still overcome with guilt and shame over the death of his father. Then he is confronted with his past and his identity. In some flurry of emotional leading he senses that his father is actually alive and he frantically runs to the water to see him for himself. Instead he's met with his own disappointing reflection. Then the reflection turns into his father who speaks to him, "Simba, remember who you are!" It is then that Simba steps into his destiny and returns to his land to lead his tribe back to freedom.

Today, I wish you would look into the mirror, and hear the Father's voice say, "Remember who you are - you are Mine." Right now there is so much noise in the world around us that fear is knocking on everyone's door. We're stuck asking "How? When?" While the question truly is "Who?" Who are you and whom are you called to serve? It's hard to answer those questions when all you can look to is your own weak past.

Instead make a decision that: 1. Your future will not be dictated by your past 2. Your identity will not be dictated by your failures You are created in the image of God, to rule and to reign in love.

Your power comes when you know that: 1. Your future (and your present) are created by your choices 2. Your identity is about who you truly are, and whose. Find out how God sees you.

You were never meant to struggle forever. You are given challenges to practice over-coming! Enjoy the challenge. Learn to look differently at yourself. You are a problem-solver. The bigger the problems, the bigger the profit. (if profit matters to you.)

Remember who you are!

Assignment: Write your own bio that you would want to accompany your name on some kind of award or product of yours. That's who you are. Until next time I'll be right here -

In Your Corner,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This week I must say that finally, yes FINALLY, I am feeling SO REFRESHED!

In fact, I've had the Top Gun Theme song playing in my head all day,
"Highway to the Danger Zone."

You see, I came upon this quote:

"In real life, it is the hare who wins. Every time. Look around you. And in any case, it is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market (giving people the fable they wanted to believe in) - after all, hares have no time to read such things. They are busy winning the race."

Anita Brookner
British historian
and novelist

Anita Brookner, whoever you are, THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!

You see...

I am a hare.Perhaps you are one too.

You know Aesop's hare - the rabbit - she jackrabbits
out the starting gate, and then loses the race to M i s t e r S l o w - a n d
s t e a d y- t o r t o i s e.

And all my life, I have been laughed at for my absolute
compulsion to "GO AFTER" stuff. I didn't usually mind because
I was busy accomplishing lots of my goals.

Then I "grew up" and learned that "life is a marathon, not a sprint..."
and by golly someone insisted that
"slow and steady wins the race."

Eventually my circle of "go-getter" friends went their ways
(mostly straight to the top)
and I went mine (into full time ministry)- where sometimes I could play
by my fast rules, and sometimes, I just played with the slow and small

For the record, I want to that say SPEED IS GOOD!

Look at all the most successful people you know. They harness the
power of speed. They GET 'ER DONE!

What is it you want to accomplish in the next six months? What about
the next year? Do you want to double your income? If so, then make
up your mind AND DO IT!

Do you want to triple your income? IF SO, LET ME BE THE FIRST
TO SAY, "YES, YOU CAN!" My own 2008 income will be at least
double what '07 was. And I'm certain I'll double it again in '09.

I am weary of slow people putting their excuses on GOOD HARES!

Take off the limits. Remove the delay between great ideas and bold action,
and you will get succeed. Or, quit dreaming about one day acting on that
dream of yours and act like it is yours now. Cut the excuses and take some action.

I am looking for some people who are tired of spinning their wheels and are

You can be, do and have all the things that you were created for. You
were made for dominion, not for the bottom of the barrel.

Be bold. Be fast. Get it done.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. - Mark Twain

Last week I talked about cliff jumping with my kids and discovering that fear can turn into fun.

Today I want to help you find your breakthrough by encouraging you to take ACTION on something that you have been putting off.

If the fear of moving forward has you blocked into an unfulfilling corner, than think for a moment. (but just for a moment.) Think about the future. If you take no different action and you look back at yourself even one year or five years from now, will you be happy with no change? Will you have regrets?

As Mark Twain said,

"You will be more disapointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did."

Most people will stay in a place they hate, rather than risk the unknown. This is an IMPOSSIBLE way to unleash your full potential!

You were created for dominion. You were never meant to live "under the circumstances."
You have untold ability to make the world a better place. You have a creator who gives you the power to get wealth. He says he will bless the work of your hands - but you must put those hands to work with passion.

Now that you have thought about the pain of regret, please decide one action that you can take TODAY that will move you out of your comfort zone and closer to a worthy goal. Get information, build a relationship, shop for your investment, make a phone call, put your shoulders back, put your chin up and speak with confidence.

You can't control the outcome, but you can trust in diligent, consistent action. If you don't quit, you won't fail.

More importantly, you won't sit in regret.

What do you really want to do, be and have? Then get up, and GET GOING! You don't have to do it perfectly, just make a plan and start moving.

I'll be right here, cheering you on!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Turning Fear into Fun

"What are you afraid of?"

Yesterday I took my four kids cliff jumping at a nearby waterfall. As we made our way down the trail, I was muttering to my daughter about what kind of rednecks we've become that we now play in "swimmin' holes." That is, until we actually descended to the river. The beauty was breathtaking. I was suddenly all smiles, and the little guys were all squeals of delight.

The three younger ones immediately followed their sixteen year old brother across the top of the waterfall and up a steep embankment on the other side. When he pointed to the most conservative jump, about twenty feet up, they each with total trust, stepped right up and leapt fearlessly into the water. They looked like little dolls. Gasps of surprise came up from all the local teenagers that were standing around me. The next few hours were filled with higher and higher, jumps, and dives and flips, with and without a rope swing.

Not every jump was painless, but each held its own triumph.

Later, when we were all home, sitting around, I commented to the twins on how gutsy they were out there. Little Matthew responded with surprising words of wisdom,

"Uh, excuse me Mom, but I was terrified."

"You're kidding. You sure didn't look like it!"

"Right. That's because I quickly found out that sheer terror can turn into sheer delight when you
just go for it!"

"Just Go For It."

How many times do we hold back in life because we are so afraid of all the things that can go wrong? (Yes, Mom, I'm aware of all those things.)

I talk to people every day who fail to live their dreams because they refuse to face the fear and just "go for it." They miss the sheer delight that awaits them on the other side of the leap.

On the other hand, I also talk to people every day who are taking off the limits of what is possible. They are aware that every reward comes wrapped up in risk. Their love for life overcomes their fear of failure.

Today I encourage you to re-consider your latent dreams. If you can find a way to answer yes to the following questions than you will be empowered to jump, to escape the mundane and find the sheer joy. The questions are:

1. Can I do it?
2. Will it be worth it?

Can you do it? Of course you can. The fact that you want to means that you have the ability on some level! Find someone who is doing what you want to do, and model them.

Will it be worth it? Only you can answer that. You might want to ask yourself, if you keep doing what you are currently doing, in just one more year - how will you feel? If the answer is something along the lines of "Sick!" then you know it's worth it to make a change. Leap!

A word of caution: The successful leap comes with an all out, full hearted effort. The one who jumps half-way finds greatest potential for injury. So create some momentum for yourself.

Can you really turn fear into fun? Absolutely!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Want to Feel Better Fast? - Stop Critisizing!

Wouldn't it be great to feel good all the time...

Why do advertisers spend billions of dollars to make you want to buy things?
Because it puts money in their pockets. Duh!

What is the one thing they are promising you every single time?


If they can convince you that you will feel -

...then they know they can get you to buy. What a feeling!!

Think back to your last 10 DISCRETIONARY purchases.

Did they make you feel good, at least for a moment?'s today's tip:

Don't wait to feel good! You can feel good, loved, peaceful,
happy NOW. It's a decision. It marks a state of faith, and
absolute miracles happen in that positive state.

Now, here's a little known secret to staying in that place:


When you start noticing something that is wrong with someone
or something around you, and then you speak those negative
words, you find your positive energy going down the drain.

This removes you from the place of abundance and of miracles.
You put yourself in the path of lack. You could be surrounded by
beauty and not even see it.


People who criticize themselves can't help but criticize the people
and things around them. Then they steal not only their own joy,
but the joy and abundance of the people around them.

Instead, offer acceptance and empowerment.
"It is what it is, so I will be part of the solution."

Or, just change your focus all together and look for something
that makes you smile.

Your feelings may not change right away, but here is a secret that
all Peak Performers know -

It is much easier to ACT yourself into a place of feeling, than it is
to FEEL yourself into a place of acting.

So, right now, think about that thing or that person who sometimes
grates on you, and speak encouraging words.

When you notice what is wrong with your coworker, your spouse,
your kids, then immediately change your focus! Act, like you would
if they were as you wished.

You will be amazed that you not only feel better right away, but
good things happen to you as a result. You might not get everything
you want, but you will want most everything you get; and that
is nearly as powerful.

Yes, this tip is a stretch, but my passion is seeing you enjoy your
life! Please...don't wait to feel good. The breakthroughs are on their


PS - Have you received your free gifts from my website yet?
If not, then head over to
and get going!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Get What You Want - Be Thankful

So, we are continuing our series on how to get what you really want.

There is nothing I love more than seeing supernatural success take over our mediocre circumstances. This is the place where you can't help but smile, and shake your head at the goodness of God.

What is the single biggest key to laying hold of the supernatural success? Well, after clearly seeing it with your imagination, the secret is to jump for joy with gratitude - before you see it with your physical eyes. Be grateful for the promise, and do not doubt.

Several years ago, Paul had a great job with a beautiful broadband company in Spokane, Wa.
At that time I heard a specific word from God in my spirit. "A famine is coming to this land, but don't worry. I will take care of you. Do not go get a job when it happens."

Oh boy. I was so excited to see what this meant. At the time I was staying home with our four little kids, and the finances, were a little tight, so I was sure it meant that Paul would get a promotion.

Instead, he got laid off. (this was shortly after 9/11 - Thanksgiving time.) Woo hoo! We both had faith, that promotion would come quickly.

The first month went by, what a time of amazing refreshing. But no new job. How strange. But we were thankful for what was coming!

The second month - same thing. Thank you! How strange that I was not to go work.

The third month - now, this seemed like an unfair vacation.

The fourth month - where in the world was the money coming from - we didn't know, but we hadn't lacked - not even through Christmas. Thank you!

The fifth month - we kept giving, and kept seeing supernatural provision. We were thankful.

The sixth month - this was amazing - having Paul home to help with the toddlers was a dream come true to me!

The seventh month - it began to feel like our 'vacation' was winding down. The anticipation was still building.

The eighth month - we kept rejoicing in the job to come, in the salary that would be at least a 20% raise, and finally...

Paul was hired by the company in Spokane that still employs him down here in Tennessee.
We were thankful!

Now, neither of us would have dreamed that we would have gone 8 months without a paycheck. The media was abuzz with the fact that there were no "family wage jobs," in Spokane." This made us all the more excited to see a miracle.

The idea that God would fail us was absolutely unthinkable. We had such a special grace for this time.

If it makes you feel any better, the day before Paul's new employer called, he did feel a crack in his faith! He slammed his Bible shut and hollered "It's not working. It shouldn't take this long!" Still I was able to stay strong for him, as he would for me in the next test we faced.

lesson - find someone to stand with you!

In the end, we enjoyed eight months together during a very special time in our children's lives. We never failed to give away ten percent of our little income, never paid a bill late, never went without a good meal, and we did not incur any debt. Paul's new job brought the 20% increase we were expecting. (yes, now we believe bigger.)

Several months later when we did our taxes, we looked at the numbers and I shook like a leaf. It was then that I felt a sickening wash of fear.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped "We were poor!"

By then, it was funny.

Now I know that money is just energy. It is spiritual. It comes in response to faith and gratitude, as does every good thing.

Today, our annual income is several times more than our "poor" year, but looking back, that may have been one of our richest seasons ever.

What is it you are believing for? Do you have a promise for it at all? If so, rejoice in the promise, forget about the problem, and you will see miracles.

Finish this sentence as specifically as possible, and then look at it constantly:

"I am SO happy and thankful now for..."

Put all the wonderful things you enjoy - past, present and future - and declare them all in present tense.

When it puts the smile on your face - you know you are in the right place to receive.

Until next time,


Phil 4:6 (New Life Version)
6 Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Facing Obstacles on the Journey

We've been talking about my mission to see you ENJOY your life and live it On Purpose. We talked about how important it is to be very specific about what exactly you want, and we talked about asking the right questions.

So, what about when you are faced with obstacles? What should you do with those big, insurmountable, highly stressful, events that seem to throw you off course and steal your joy?


The obstacles that come against us seem bigger than they are. They seem insurmountable when they are not. They do not have to throw us off course, and they certainly do not have to stress us out and steal our joy. There is ALWAYS a way to get where we need to go.

Keep your eyes fixed on the final outcome. Where are you headed? More importantly - how will you feel when you get there? As much as possible, hold to that feeling now. Of course you will get there, and when you do, it would be a shame to have wasted so much time and energy feeling terrible along the way.

As I type this, my fifteen year old son is en route to Honolulu from Tennessee - by himself, to play baseball with a team of players that he doesn't know. He and another team mate whom he just met, have been re-routed to several different airports for one canceled flight after another. Their luggage is headed to the wrong city. They have had very little sleep, and multiple opportunities to panic throughout the past eight hours. At one point, it looked like they might have to spend the night in Dallas.

Now that is an obstacle on a journey!

Through the myriad of phone calls and text messages one thing is clear. He and his new buddy have managed to stay calm, as they find a way to get there. They just ate, and they are actually enjoying themselves. They are looking forward to getting to Hawaii.

How are they managing that? They have each other.

I can imagine that if Jordan were facing all of these issues by himself, he would be nearing emotional meltdown. It is amazing the power of just one friend, who also knows better than to panic.


1. Stay focused on the end goal
2. Keep your emotions in check
3. Ask for help from people who know what they're doing
4. Pick team mates who are positive

Obstacles come against everybody. We don't all face the same obstacles on the same journeys, but we all can use them as opportunities to learn something that we didn't know before.

I have faith in you. Whatever it is that you are dealing with - it is smaller than you. You are bigger than you look, stronger than you feel, and there is ALWAYS a way to get where you want to go. So do not panic. Stay in a place of faith.

I'll be here, cheering you on.

Until next time - Keep playing hard, and enjoy your game!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Power of Questions to Get What You Want

Remember when you were little? You probably drove the adults around you nuts by asking, "Why?" all the time. You were naturally curious, and you were learning at an astonishing rate. During your first four years of life, you learned more than most college students learn in four years of university study. In fact, you learned ideas that shaped your life - ideas about money, relationships, and your self.

Today, I want to encourage you to return to your curious nature. Ask more questions! In fact,
I really want your input today. I am asking you - what is the greatest question you have about
achieving your dreams, or creating wealth, or overcoming obstacles?

I am convinced that if we ask the right questions, we will discover the "right" answers.

Some people only ask un-empowering questions like:
"Why do bad things always happen to me?"
"What is wrong with me?"
"Why are people so stupid?"

These might be honest enough questions, but you will find greater power in asking more specific
questions like:

"How might I overcome my doubts about this project?"
"What must I do differently right now to achieve the result I want?"
"How might I influence my team to unleash their true potential?"

Often I step into the future when dealing with a problem, and I ask from there:
"How did I turn that around so powerfully?"
"How did I create so much freedom in my schedule?"
"How did I quit feeling so stressed-out all the time?"

Your mind is incredibly powerful. It will absolutely seek out the answers to the questions you pose.

Today, please let me know what questions you are asking. If you have any questions about
the Five Steps to Guarantee Your Victory - feel free to ask me those too.

I am committed to your success, and I'm working on some programs that you can study at

Until next time, keep playing hard, keep the questions coming, and enjoy your game!

In your corner,


Monday, June 02, 2008

How to get what you REALLY want

This is it.

After several conversations in a row with people who are struggling along in life, I am on a mission. It is a mission to see you ENJOY your life - and LIVE it ON PURPOSE.

I'm going to start with a posting every Tuesday for a while about How to Get What You Really Want. Much of what I say may not be new, but I pray you'll hear it in a new way, and be able to take some action to seize something precious that has been eluding you.

Take these ideas and apply them to whatever area resonates with you. It can be business, relationships, or your health and fitness. Whatever area - these steps are the same.

Step ONE -
Know what you REALLY want.

This seems obvious, but most people don't even know what excites them. They don't have a clear image of what they want in their career, in their business, in their home life, in their health, in their stuff.

This is why in the SCORE! guide - I encourage you to take a long time on step one. Spell out your vision.

A very important law here is the law of specificity. This means that you must be crystal clear on what you want. I'll give you an example from one of the first times I began getting specific with my desires.

I was 17, and tired of selling men's suits. (actually, I got that job this same way, but by now, I was ready for something new.) So, I started thinking and I wrote the following things down:
1. Work outside
2. Work full-time
3. Be done working by 4:30 each day
4. Get to wear comfortable clothes
5. Make more than I'm making now

So, then I started asking:
What jobs might fit this description?

Finally, I got an idea - I could work for the parks department in the summer kid's day- camp program. Perfect! And how fun. I was perfect for the job.

However, I didn't get hired. I couldn't believe it. Did they NOT read my application and see how perfect I was for this? I'd been tutoring kids and developing programs since the eighth grade! But alas, this job would have only paid minimum wage.

Instead within the week, I was hired by the school district to be a non-union gardener. "Gardener," mind you was a generous term for "lawn-mower," but the job suited me just fine.

I ended up getting to...
1. Work outside (when we weren't driving around trying to cram 4 hours of work into an eight hour day)

2. Work forty hours a week (and not a moment more - most of the crew WERE union members)

3. Get done each day by 3 pm

4. Wear jeans and "sneakers"

5. Make double what I made selling suits

So, I was a happy laborer. In fact, that summer I spent each day listening to motivational teaching tapes as I mowed the lawns, and this had a great impact on the direction of my life.

I have practiced this law of specificity on just about everything since then, from that Cutie -Pie that I would marry, to the homes that we would live in - and it has always worked.

Yes, there is more to it, but that is the imperative first step.

So, now it is your turn. What are you believing for right now? Get specific. Let me know about it. It thrills my heart to be able to believe with you.

Until next time - Get out that paper - and get writing!

Next Tuesday I'll tell you the next step!

Hint - it rhymes with Relieve....

Let me know how I can help you.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Get Huge and BE Somebody

When I was in High School, I had a boyfriend who was a football player. He often wore a T-shirt from a local gym that read, "Get Huge and BE Somebody." He thought it was a hilarious slogan.


When he went to play college ball on a full-ride, the pressure to Get Huge and Be Somebody became even worse. The joke wasn't funny any more. At 6'2 and 215 pounds, he wasn't quite huge enough, or something. He left football, went to a different university, and became a minister.

"Get Huge and Be Somebody."

What a silly slogan. I could have had my own slogan for the next several years. My variation said, "Get Skinny and BE Somebody." I drove myself to disorder.


This is what the world tells us, and then they give us feeble attempts at how to prove that we are somebody at long last:

Get Huge. Get Skinny. Get Rich. Get Drunk.

And then what? Then are you somebody? Finally are you validated? I work with high-achieving clients every week who definitely feel like they swallowed a lie somewhere along the road.

I have a better idea.


Be who you are created to be. Be the child of God. Be the answer to somebody's prayer. Be the friend who sticks closer than a brother. Be the mate who loves unconditionally. Be the parent who actually enjoys the moment. Be joyful. Be at peace. Be strong. Be courageous. Be faithful. Be who you are - when no one is looking.

That is the person you need to be-friend. The real you. The one who is worthy simply because of grace.

Amazing things happen when you become clear on who you want to be. You find resources to do what you want to do, and the power to leave a legacy. You even find it easy to acquire what you want to have.

Success in life is not so much about what you achieve, it's about who you become in the process.

That my friend, is huge.

You are somebody.

Don't wait to celebrate.

1 Corinthians 15:10
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain;

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Focus on the Fun in Your "Game."

Last Sunday my oldest son asked me to drive him to the baseball field to meet most of his High School teammates. (Unlike the others, he's too young to drive.)

"Mom, twelve of us are meeting at the Little League Field to play tennis ball baseball - can you drive me up there?"

The request made me laugh.

"You mean on your only day off from baseball, you want to play baseball?"

I thought of all the times that these boys battle horrible weather, endure extra long practices, and the many school nights that they get home close to midnight. Yet, today, they would be giants on a Little League Field, with no coaches to yell at them as they played purely for (gasp) fun!

With a broad smile he replied, "Exactly!"

It was a heartwarming sight, and a much needed break from what sometimes feels like baseball tedium.

What is the game that you are playing today? Has it lost any of its youthful exuberance? Do you find yourself trudging through the motions?

If so, I encourage you to close your eyes and remember a time when it was fresh and new. Remember former victories and celebrate them again. If possible, shake up the routine a little, get out the "tennis balls," and do something in a different way.

Each moment is precious, so you might want to tune in with all your senses, and focus on the fun in your game once again. Who knows, you just might hit a home run.

Until next time - keep playing hard,

and enjoy your game!


Friday, April 18, 2008

Trader Psychology Mastery

To my friends in Nashville at the Options Linebacker Workshop...
(and everyone else who loves trading): I want to share ten minutes of Trader Psychology Mastery:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Story How I Got Thin and Rich!

First the Inner and then the Outer, my friend! In this six minute video, you'll hear my story. Whether your struggles are personal, or financial, it's THE SAME ROCKS IN YOUR BACKPACK! "Never enough," must give place to "MORE THAN ENOUGH!"

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Your Prosperity is Already in Your Hands

Have you ever wondered what in the world you could do to come out ahead, right now? I believe the secret is not outside of yourself - it is right inside. Your prosperity is already in your hands.

A while ago, I wrote about King David as he slew the giant, Goliath. That story includes one of my favorite secrets - that "God in you makes you bigger than your enemy."

The other secret for today, is this: Your success is already in you - there is something that you have in your hand, in your heart, that is valuable.

In young David's case, King Saul tried to dress the boy in his armor and give him his great, big sword. However, that was not going to work for David. The armor didn't fit, and the only weapon he knew was a sling and stones. He defeated an entire army by knocking down their leader with a sling and a stone.

What is it that is in your hand? It is very tempting to hear about what is working for somebody else, and jump on their bandwagon. But your prosperity is within your own hand. Oh yes, you will learn new skills, but right now there is something inside you -worth money, worth sharing. Your experience is part of your gifting, and your gift is making a way for you.

One day I realized that energy psychology was a gift inside my own hand. I hadn't shared it publicly, because it seemed too odd. But all sorts of doors of increase have opened for me as I have shared this gift. What once seemed like a private tool for my own success has brought relief to hundreds -maybe more, just through my materials on the subject.

Don't underestimate what is inside of you. What you know is infinitely more valuable than what you do! We'll talk more about that in the future. For now, just start asking yourself, "What isinside of me, that is worth sharing with others?" Who knows, the answer just might be the key to slaying the giants in your life. So start sharing!

Until next time, keep playing hard - and enjoy your game!

In your corner,


Friday, March 14, 2008

A Success Meditation Audio for You

I am posting this to all my online friends because I recently spent
three hours in a professional studio to make a very special audio gift
for you! It is a success meditation audio that is...

guaranteed to increase your success level by helping you
renew your mind
from the inside out.

It’s often said that up to 96% of your behavior is driven by
your subconscious mind. That is why God tells us to
"meditate on his word day and night, so we’ll be careful to obey
it and then we’ll make our way prosperous and successful."

He also says that we are transformed (metamorphed - like a butterfly)
by the renewing of our mind.* Well, most of my clients struggle with
a sort of poverty mindset, so I made this CD called ’Blessed to Be
a Blessing.’ It is a soothing track set to music that you can listen to
for 10 minutes to re-focus your day, or...

you can let it play and repeat
the affirmations three times as you go about your business, or even
as you nap.

You get over 30 minutes of powerful, Scriptural words spoken over
you to help you "Repack Your Backpack" and turn your dark, heavy rocks into apples of gold.

When that happens, you are able to walk out your God-given calling, and touch the hurting with abundant life. You are blessed to be
a blessing! I personally listen to this at least once a day - and everything
has changed for me, so I’m very excited to share it with you.

Please download this special, no-strings attached AUDIO. Feel free to burn it to a CD for you car. If it blesses
you, just share it with others, and send me a comment.

I’m always thinking of ways to help my friends.

Here is the player and download link:

If there is any way that I can serve or support you, please let me know.

In your corner,


P.S. - I know some people have a hard time with
the "prosperity gospel." This audio is not about
growing in materialism. It is about being a blessing!

P.P.S .- Many of you are not on my Built To Win list-
I would be so happy if you would join my inner-circle
by filling out the form on my FREE STUFF tab:

Again here is the download link to Blessed to Be a Blessing

*For Scriptural support see Joshua 1:8 and Romans 12:1-2

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Energy Psychology for Athletic Performance

The above video demonstrates one Peak Performance technique that I use with great success for our athletes as well as business professionals. This is the Flow On Demand Energy Therapy that is written about in my Book. The Book is called Flow On Demand-the Athlete's Edge, and it is being downloaded every day on the internet with wonderful feedback.

Enjoy, and feel free to write with any questions:

Until next time - Keep playing hard and enjoy your game!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect

The other day I raised the question of subconscious sabotage. I wondered if the young catcher (my son) may have injured himself in response to unconscious inner conflict about his worthiness of starting over some seniors on his team. I still think it is a possibility. I can assure you, he has that conflict no more.

However, here is another possibility: lack of practice on that particular play. Have you ever grown comfortable with your performance and stopped practicing part of it?

I know in this case, the catchers have been so busy working with pitchers, that they have been robbed of their own defensive practice. It takes experience and repetition to anticipate certain move from a ball. Then it takes more practice to get it right.

"Practice makes perfect!" or so we are told. In reality, practice only makes perfect when we constantly learn from the feedback and make minor adjustments to improve. Otherwise, practice only makes permanent. How many times do we fail to read the feedback of our own "game," and choose instead to go through sloppy motions?

In conclusion, I don't know if Jordan's injury was totally a result of subconscious sabotage or just failure to practice that catch, or a combination of both. What I do know is that I am stirred to examine my own performance.

Even though my main game is not athletic, I also want to be free from every trace of self-sabotage, and I want to practice thinking, speaking and producing winning results. I choose to do better today than yesterday. And then - I'll be even better tomorrow. How about you? Are you willing to challenge yourself to new and improved levels of success?

Keep playing hard!


PS - many of you are enjoying the Athlete's Edge, Flow On Demand. Somehow we are having technical difficulties getting some little videos up for you to view and answer your questions. But stay tuned! If you haven't seen the book, you can check it out here: Flow On Demand

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Unconscious Sabotage

I usually write my Tuesday Tip first thing in the morning, but today was different.

I had to take my son to the doctor for an x Ray, to make sure his recent injury was not serious. I think there is a lesson in the injury in the first place. It may be a lesson on subconscious resistance to success.

Jordan is a sophomore in High School. That means obviously, that there are older boys than him who have worked very hard for their varsity slots. Whenever I would ask Jordan about starting, he would get agitated and talk about what is right and wrong about a sophomore starting over a senior. This is a clear case of conflict. Remember, as we talk about in my book, conflict is the opposite of Flow.

Well, right before this last game, his coach said, "Jordan, if you do well today, you'll probably be our starting catcher." Could that have triggered conflict? I think so, because on the very first play, the opposing hitter smacked a fly ball right between home and third, and as it tailed away from Jordan, he quickly tried to compensate and ended up falling with all his force on his elbow. It was the most bizarre looking thing I have ever witnessed on the field.

As we spent some time dealing with his deep disappointment, I also had him get clear on his "worthiness" issue. Thankfully he found out today that the bruised nerve is healing up, and nothing is fractured. But he will have to sit until it is completely recovered.

This is not just a baseball story. Unconscious sabotage happens in many arenas, including wealth creation, health and fitness, and relationship success. It is the same reason that 95% of all lottery winners find themselves back to their pre-lottery state within five years of winning. Because they never resolved the inner conflict about wealth. This is an invitation for you to look at your own "game," whether it is athletic, or financial, or personal, and look for hidden internal conflict.

Do you in any way see yourself as unworthy of success? Do you have conflicting emotions about how others may perceive you if you become very successful?

Today your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to get clear again on what you want, and why you want it. And then, walk in gratitude for the ability to make it happen. It is a gift, after all. If you have any inner conflict, then practice our three steps:

1. Acknowledge your conflict
2. Accept yourself anyway
3. Create an empowering response

IE - "Even though, I'm not sure I deserve this success right now, I accept myself anyway, and I choose to receive it with thankfulness."

Whatever it is for you, write it down, and keep saying it, tapping on your targets so you can feel the energy of it.

Success is easy when you eliminate the barriers.

Until next time, I encourage you to keep playing hard, and enjoy your game!

In your corner,


PS - If you are not sure about the book, you can check it out right here:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hello again my friend,

It’s time for a quick Tuesday tip:

Question – Are you in a good mood right now?


You can change your mental state, by changing your physiology.

If you are feeling stressed or annoyed, look at your body posture and countenance. How are you sitting, are your eyebrows furrowed? What are you thinking about?

Now, think of a moment when you were thoroughly enjoying yourself. What expression was on your face then? How were you breathing? (yes, breathing!) How did you sit or stand?

Now, just for fun, put that expression on your face. Let yourself smile. Sit up tall, enjoy the moment. Breathe!

Sure, your smile the first time was in response to something you enjoyed, but notice the power when you smile by choice. Your body is wired in a way that emotional triggers cause physical responses, but the opposite is also true. Physical triggers cause emotional responses. When you smile, you feel better, because your brain associates the smile with good things.

So, for very important reasons today, I encourage you to smile. You deserve to feel good, and your smile makes those around you feel better. When we feel good, productivity goes up, when productivity goes up profits rise, and when profits rise, we want to smile. So let’s just start with the smile, and start the ball rolling!

Smile - it increases your face value. ~Author Unknown

Please do not underestimate the value of this post. This one new habit could change your day, your week…your life!

Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile
. ~Author Unknown

Until next time, I’ll be…

In your corner (and in love with your smile),


PS - Did you know I wrote a whole book about another way to master your mood and perform at your peak? It's called Flow On Demand, the Athlete's Edge. Although the techniques are used by elite and amateur athletes around the world, the instruction will help you win your financial and personal games as well. You can learn more and order it here: Flow On Demand, the Athlete's Edge

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Attracting Winners To Your Circle

Could you use more high-caliber friends and mentors in your life? Then think about this:

"The relationships we have with the world are largely determined by the relationships we have with ourselves." -- Greg Anderson

Did you know that this world is full of fascinating, intelligent and generous people who want to cheer you on and see you succeed? It’s true, there are winners all around you, ready to stand by your side. What is it you would like to learn this week? What would you like to do better? If you could talk to someone who was very successful, what would you ask?

“But I don’t have any friends like that!” you may lament. This may seem true, but in reality, if you will be that kind of friend to yourself and others, you will attract just the kind of people who will pull you up higher too. You will attract true winners into your circle.

This week, be a friend to yourself. Acknowledge your weaknesses, and affirm your unconditional self-love anyway. Look at others with grace. Believe in their strengths, and let them know it.

What you tend to see in yourself is what you will tend to see around you.

We’re all in this together – let’s keep climbing higher.

In your corner,


Peak Performance Speaker and Coach Gina Parris is passionate about seeing people move from frustration to freedom in their lives and livelihoods. Whether your game is

Athletic, financial, or personal, she can help you win it.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Choosing a Role Model

MP3 File

To listen to this post, you can simply click above.

One thing I always advocate when it comes to being a great leader, is the idea that you want to be inspired by your own role model. When we are in the trenches committed to unleashing the winners around us, we can sometimes get overwhelmed with the status quo. We need those people who are able to pull us up and inspire us with the courage to make a difference.

I'd like to take a moment to mention one of my early role models, Norma LelaCheur. I was twelve years old when I first met this woman, in my hometown, of Spokane, Washington. We came to visit the little church that she and her husband pastored, and she got up to speak. Before she spoke however, she saw, me. I mean she saw me. I wasn't invisible to her. She made me feel special. And then she took the pulpit.

She spoke unlike anyone I had ever heard. She was captivating in a totally transparent way. Her humor was self-deprecating, and she showed that she had nothing to prove. As she laughed at some of her weaknesses, I thought, "Oh my goodness, she is like me!" And in that moment, I knew that one day, I wanted to speak and touch lives too. I wanted to be like her. I wanted to be powerful, godly, encouraging.

For the next decade, I continued to grow under her influence. I became a motivational speaker, and a minister, and then married and moved to Europe. I like to think that I continued to touch lives. She and her husband were very influential, not just in my life, but in thousands of lives all over the country.

When I was in my late thirties, Paul and I moved back to Spokane for awhile, to raise the kids around family. During that time, Norma got sick. The doctor said that she had an "enlarged heart." Those of us who knew her replied, "Well, duh!"

We didn't dream it would kill her, but on May 17, 2004, Norma went "home." She was seventy-three.

The church (which was quite large by now, and pastored by one of her sons) was packed, with people from all over the country. The amazing thing was that while Norma's body lay in the casket, her image and voice rang out from a giant video screen. Her message had been recorded just a few weeks previous. She spoke as passionately as ever, pleading with "everyone within the sound of my voice," to know that they could choose life. She spoke of a "Heaven to gain, and a Hell to shun," and she reminded us that "this life on earth is the short life."

With tears rolling down my cheeks, I thought about the last 25 years. I thought of all the wonderful young people that I had been privileged to work with over the years. I thought of the ones who told me, "I want to be like you!" As I looked at the woman on the screen, I thought, "Wow. This is the power of influence. Thank you Norma, for impacting my life, so that through me, you could bless even more. Thank you for teaching me to laugh at our weaknesses, to enjoy life, and to love God and people. Thank you for putting in me a passion for the Word."

Now, I want to ask you, my friend. Do you have someone who has touched your life? Who has inspired you to be all you can be, to unleash your greatness? If you haven't found someone yet, I encourage you to keep looking. Find someone who resonates with you.

You can be mentored by someone even from a distance by reading their materials, and soaking up their life. I have had many mentors like that.

Ultimately, you will be the leader that someone else names as their role model. That my friend, is a beautiful thing.

As we embark on a wonderful new year, I will still be here, in your corner. I believe it is a year for your business, your health, your relationships, to soar to new levels of success.

Until next time,

Keep playing hard, and enjoy your game!
