Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. - Mark Twain

Last week I talked about cliff jumping with my kids and discovering that fear can turn into fun.

Today I want to help you find your breakthrough by encouraging you to take ACTION on something that you have been putting off.

If the fear of moving forward has you blocked into an unfulfilling corner, than think for a moment. (but just for a moment.) Think about the future. If you take no different action and you look back at yourself even one year or five years from now, will you be happy with no change? Will you have regrets?

As Mark Twain said,

"You will be more disapointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did."

Most people will stay in a place they hate, rather than risk the unknown. This is an IMPOSSIBLE way to unleash your full potential!

You were created for dominion. You were never meant to live "under the circumstances."
You have untold ability to make the world a better place. You have a creator who gives you the power to get wealth. He says he will bless the work of your hands - but you must put those hands to work with passion.

Now that you have thought about the pain of regret, please decide one action that you can take TODAY that will move you out of your comfort zone and closer to a worthy goal. Get information, build a relationship, shop for your investment, make a phone call, put your shoulders back, put your chin up and speak with confidence.

You can't control the outcome, but you can trust in diligent, consistent action. If you don't quit, you won't fail.

More importantly, you won't sit in regret.

What do you really want to do, be and have? Then get up, and GET GOING! You don't have to do it perfectly, just make a plan and start moving.

I'll be right here, cheering you on!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Turning Fear into Fun

"What are you afraid of?"

Yesterday I took my four kids cliff jumping at a nearby waterfall. As we made our way down the trail, I was muttering to my daughter about what kind of rednecks we've become that we now play in "swimmin' holes." That is, until we actually descended to the river. The beauty was breathtaking. I was suddenly all smiles, and the little guys were all squeals of delight.

The three younger ones immediately followed their sixteen year old brother across the top of the waterfall and up a steep embankment on the other side. When he pointed to the most conservative jump, about twenty feet up, they each with total trust, stepped right up and leapt fearlessly into the water. They looked like little dolls. Gasps of surprise came up from all the local teenagers that were standing around me. The next few hours were filled with higher and higher, jumps, and dives and flips, with and without a rope swing.

Not every jump was painless, but each held its own triumph.

Later, when we were all home, sitting around, I commented to the twins on how gutsy they were out there. Little Matthew responded with surprising words of wisdom,

"Uh, excuse me Mom, but I was terrified."

"You're kidding. You sure didn't look like it!"

"Right. That's because I quickly found out that sheer terror can turn into sheer delight when you
just go for it!"

"Just Go For It."

How many times do we hold back in life because we are so afraid of all the things that can go wrong? (Yes, Mom, I'm aware of all those things.)

I talk to people every day who fail to live their dreams because they refuse to face the fear and just "go for it." They miss the sheer delight that awaits them on the other side of the leap.

On the other hand, I also talk to people every day who are taking off the limits of what is possible. They are aware that every reward comes wrapped up in risk. Their love for life overcomes their fear of failure.

Today I encourage you to re-consider your latent dreams. If you can find a way to answer yes to the following questions than you will be empowered to jump, to escape the mundane and find the sheer joy. The questions are:

1. Can I do it?
2. Will it be worth it?

Can you do it? Of course you can. The fact that you want to means that you have the ability on some level! Find someone who is doing what you want to do, and model them.

Will it be worth it? Only you can answer that. You might want to ask yourself, if you keep doing what you are currently doing, in just one more year - how will you feel? If the answer is something along the lines of "Sick!" then you know it's worth it to make a change. Leap!

A word of caution: The successful leap comes with an all out, full hearted effort. The one who jumps half-way finds greatest potential for injury. So create some momentum for yourself.

Can you really turn fear into fun? Absolutely!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Want to Feel Better Fast? - Stop Critisizing!

Wouldn't it be great to feel good all the time...

Why do advertisers spend billions of dollars to make you want to buy things?
Because it puts money in their pockets. Duh!

What is the one thing they are promising you every single time?


If they can convince you that you will feel -

...then they know they can get you to buy. What a feeling!!

Think back to your last 10 DISCRETIONARY purchases.

Did they make you feel good, at least for a moment?'s today's tip:

Don't wait to feel good! You can feel good, loved, peaceful,
happy NOW. It's a decision. It marks a state of faith, and
absolute miracles happen in that positive state.

Now, here's a little known secret to staying in that place:


When you start noticing something that is wrong with someone
or something around you, and then you speak those negative
words, you find your positive energy going down the drain.

This removes you from the place of abundance and of miracles.
You put yourself in the path of lack. You could be surrounded by
beauty and not even see it.


People who criticize themselves can't help but criticize the people
and things around them. Then they steal not only their own joy,
but the joy and abundance of the people around them.

Instead, offer acceptance and empowerment.
"It is what it is, so I will be part of the solution."

Or, just change your focus all together and look for something
that makes you smile.

Your feelings may not change right away, but here is a secret that
all Peak Performers know -

It is much easier to ACT yourself into a place of feeling, than it is
to FEEL yourself into a place of acting.

So, right now, think about that thing or that person who sometimes
grates on you, and speak encouraging words.

When you notice what is wrong with your coworker, your spouse,
your kids, then immediately change your focus! Act, like you would
if they were as you wished.

You will be amazed that you not only feel better right away, but
good things happen to you as a result. You might not get everything
you want, but you will want most everything you get; and that
is nearly as powerful.

Yes, this tip is a stretch, but my passion is seeing you enjoy your
life! Please...don't wait to feel good. The breakthroughs are on their


PS - Have you received your free gifts from my website yet?
If not, then head over to
and get going!