Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Honoring What You Have

We want to establish the idea that in the money game there are strugglers and there are winners. The winners simply think and act in ways that bring victory.

As we said last time, winners focus on creating wealth, not accumulating stuff. (the stuff comes later - when they can pay cash for it.)

How does a winner treat his stuff? That's what I want to examine today.

A winner treats his material possessions with respect.

Have you ever held a garage sale? If so, was it huge? Some people recommend having a garage sale to make a little "extra cash." I have a different view of garage sales.

Let's imagine a garage sale. Your garage sale. You have decided it's time to declutter your home and so you go through every room, closet, and storage space to get rid of things you no longer need.

What kind of shape are these items in? How much of it simply needs to go in the trash? Don't throw anything away yet, just set it all out.

Now, take a look. Look at everything that is leaving your possession. In addition, think of all the things you got rid of throughout the year, because they no longer fit, or they broke, or you were tired of them. Is it a big pile?

How much money did all of these things cost new? How much money is actually represented there? (Okay, you don't have to count the hideous ceramic cat you got from Aunt Millie.) I do, however, want you to think about the message you are carrying about the value of money and things.

Chances are these things cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars. And now, you are selling them for pennies on the dollar. How much of it could you have lived without in the first place? Did you honor these items when they were in your possession?

If you purchased them with your own money, then you may have used money that you got from your job. You got this money in exchange for hours of your life...and now the fruit of it is lying on your garage floor. Is that what your life is worth? Is that really "extra cash?"

I'm not opposed to getting rid of things - we do it weekly, grateful that some items have served their purpose. If you are grateful for the way these items served you, then you are on the right track. If you are sorry that you purchased them, or sorry that you did not treat them with more care, that is important too.

I just want you to look with long term eyes when you part with your money in the first place. Financial winners always think longer term.

I had a friend named Stacey who was the queen of caring for her things. She and her husband did not have a high income, but her children's bedrooms looked like toy stores. They both had shelves all the way up their walls, and the shelves and the closets were beautifully organized with games in their original boxes, and toys arrayed with pride, and lovely clothes.

She explained to me, "People think my kids have a ton of stuff, but the truth is, I am just obsessive about taking care of what they have. We don't have money to buy them many gifts. This is all the toys and games that my parents and my children's friends have given them over the years for birthdays and Christmas. If every child in the neighborhood had all the things they'd ever received, they would have at least this much."

How right she was. Stacey came from a wealthy family.

I am inspired today, to ensure respectul treatment of the things in my care. I want to show that I respect money. I understand that is part of becoming a "money magnet." I will remember the lesson in a parable from Jesus,

"Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come share your master's happiness!" -Matthew 25:21

To your success,


Friday, January 19, 2007

Wealth Creation or Stuff Accumulation?

For those of you who need to pack up your bag for the land of abundance, here is a secret:

Focus on creating wealth, not on accumulating stuff. That is the secret of the rich, and the undoing of the broke.

For those who long to get stuff, their pay raises will never create financial freedom. They will only buy nicer and nicer things, and still leave the buyer with "more month at the end of his money."

Instead, put your money to work for you. Buy things that will go up in value, not down. Think of ways to make money passively - while you are busy living life. When your money is making money...then spend the cash you didn't have to work for.

That way your money-making machine will still be in a place to create wealth for you all the time.

That is the beginning of freedom.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Leadership - What are You Reproducing?

Leadership - many people aspire to it, but many fewer will thrive in it. Why is that? Why is it so difficult to find gifted leaders?

Perhaps the biggest reason is that many who want to lead others have failed to master themselves. They want the recognition and compensation that comes from being in charge, but they have not learned that great leadership is never about the leader. Instead, it is about the value one can create for the others on his team. You could call those others the "followers," but only if they are actually following you.

And if they are, then how much more should you develop yourself as a person worth reproducing?

If you are in a place of leadership, please remember this idea: You can teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are.

I have seen some military officers whose hearts seem to thrill at the guidance they can offer to those beneath them. I have seen this same passion in parents, coaches, teachers, bosses, athletes, and some very special ministers. The fruits of their leadership are gratifying indeed.

Obviously, you and I both, have seen other leaders in all of those same roles who did not "get it" at all.

We can't control other leaders today. All we can do is to look at ourselves, and ask, "Am I growing in ways that are worth reproducing?" And "How can I impart strength for growth to somebody else today?" Here's a hint: Lecturing doesn't count.

Let's challenge ourselves to keep our perspective clear, and to focus on things that are lasting. Are great leaders rare? Sure. That's what makes you so valuable!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Are You Rich?

Sometimes my kids comment on certain of their friends who are "really rich." I always chuckle at the things that demontrate wealth to their young minds. It has obviously been a long time since they've gone to a 3rd world country to see how MOST of the world lives.

Instead of comparing ourselves to those who have more "stuff" than us, could we simply take a moment to be grateful? I am reminded that:

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. Perhaps only 2% of the worlds population or less, has the luxury of reading any kind of blog at all on their own computer.

Are some of our neighbors rich? Yes. And so are are you, so let's celebrate with gratitude, and let's give with purpose!

Friday, January 12, 2007


Do you ever let fear keep you from having fun?

I'll never forget Christmas 2002. The twins were just two years old, and we still called them "the babies." It was one of those magical Christmases in Washington state, where the perfect amount of snow falls for premium after -dinner sledding. Aaaaaaah. We packed up the family...or at least 15 or so of us, and trudged through the snow behind my sister's house to the most incredible sledding hill imaginable.

We all took turns flying down this steep, death-defying slope, screaming, laughing. The "babies" looked on in sheer delight. Then my brother-in-law planted Little Nathan on a saucer and sent him spinning down the hill. I nearly had heart failure.

As he sailed down the hill, he squeeled with joy. At the end, as he pulled himself out of the ride-stopping snow bank, he lept to his feet and shouted, "Dat wuz fun!!!"

Before I could blink, "Baby 'B, '" Matthew was also flying down the hill, on a dangerous little saucer, enjoying the ride of his young life. When he crashed at the end, he also lept up and shouted the exact same phrase. ", fun, fun!!"

I think that was the day they became fearless.

Since then, they have often inspired me with their reckless abandon. They are only seven now, but they are as eager as their older siblings to live life to the fullest.

Very often in life, I get inspired by an idea that I think would bring joy and excitement...and then I think of all of the reasons it won't work. I'm sure that somewhere that is a great quality...but in this house - that is Paul's job. He can come up with problems and solutions without letting them slow him down.

As for me...I am going for it. What is my latest venture? Well, I used to only coach people who somehow heard me speak or heard about me, and came to me. But now, I offer my coaching services to people all the time. Why? Because it brings me great joy to see people thrive!

Yes, I might get rejected. Someone might think I'm pushy, or full of myself, or they might say, "NO THANKS." But even so, I believe they're better off because I helped them think of something new.

I love coaching! What do you love? I just want to encourage you...go after it and enjoy it. Be fearless!

"The one who fears has not been made perfect in love."

Thursday, January 11, 2007


"Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records."-- William A. Ward

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Expect Miracles

Several weeks ago I was on a routine shopping trip at the Base Commissary. I don't go there often, but most of the baggers there know me any way. However, this day, a lady carried my groceries whom I've never seen.

As we walked to my car, I asked her about her children, and she told me some devestating news. Her teenage daughter had been very sick, and they thought she might be pregnant. She shook her head as she piled groceries into my car. "We were very disappointed in her," she said.

She continued telling me that it turned out not to be pregnancy. Instead her daughter was sent to Vanderbuilt for tests and the results had just come back that day.

"It turns out she has ovarian cancer, and there's nothing we can do." She looked at me and wept. "I wish it was pregnancy at this point," she mourned. "I haven't even told her yet." The tears fell down her face.

My heart broke open for her, and then it was filled with a special Love from the Father. Oh, that is my favorite substance in the whole world!

I asked if I could pray for her before I left. She hugged me tight, right in that parking lot, and cried, and received strength as I prayed quietly in her ear. When I looked her in the eye again, she was different, encouraged. I talked with her some more, and promised that I would be back to check on her.

I met my husband moments later. I told him that I just experienced a miracle! I knew that I knew it. I was in Heaven.

When I went back later, I couldn't find her. So I asked a cashier how my new friend was doing.

"Oh, yes." my cashier replied. "I know who you mean. " She shook her head. "They got really lucky. I don't know how, but it turns out that there is no cancer now."

I laughed out loud. "That's great!" I didn't comment about the "luck." I know when our Redeemer has been on the scene.

Do you need a miracle? It's even more fun to give one away. When you find your heart filled with an overwhelming love for someone else, you can trust that a miracle is not far away.

...Love never fails. 1 Cor 13:8

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Find a Hiking Buddy

My Dad used to tell me that if I wanted to fly with the eagles, I would not do it by hanging around the turkeys. This was never a criticism of my friends. On the contrary, he always brought up the quote in response to his delight over meeting any of my buddies.

As I re-read my post about hiking up the waterfalls with Paul, it struck me that I would never have done that by myself. On my own, I stick to the comfortable. How about you? Left to your own devices, do you push yourself to your own max?

Today, I encourage you to find a "hiking buddy," who will challenge you on this year's goals. If you don't trust anyone in your life to push you hard enough, than hire a coach. There is no better way to fascilitate change and growth in your own life. Of course I believe in coaching. That's why I am one!

I have coaches and hiking buddies in my own life. One of them has asked me for three days in a row, what I did towards finishing my book this week. She knew I wanted to quit, and without her, I probably would have. Instead, I'm making good progress. We all need hiking buddies like that.

Keep it up. You can always e-mail me if you are interested in a free "jumpstart your success" coaching session.



Proverbs 13:20
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Be More Creative Than Your Obstacles

Anytime you set out to accomplish anything, you better be prepared for obstacles.

Paul and I went hiking a few weeks ago, and we met some obstacles. Several huge trees had been knocked down in a recent storm, and they totally blocked the path. Getting past them was not always easy. Eventually, the trail was completely unseen. As we hiked along the river, the path ceased to exist. I kept thinking we should turn back, rather than say...fall into a river in November.

Paul, just shrugged and kept going, "Anyone can turn around and find the easy trail," he said, "I think we can hike up the waterfalls."

Now, I began wondering why I even brought Paul in the first place. I was just going out for a little hike. He did however, have the foresight to actually grab a backpack with bottles of water in it. What a good process engineer! That's right, I usually bring him along for the practical reasons. He pays attention to details.

But this - hiking up the sides of waterfalls, this was evidence of Continuous Improvement run amuck! I was thinking this is what happens to guys who have spent way too much time leading Six Sigma Events. And yet, there I was, following along like a good little wife, wondering when I would fall in. I was thankful that at least the boy has packed on enough muscle in the last decade to carry me in an emergency.

Did I turn back? No way! The beauty of the waterfalls was too alluring. Besides, as I climbed and hiked and slipped around, I kept thinking of my natural tendency to quit things when they get difficult. I kept looking up the river, and I realized that eventually, we would get where we needed to go, if we just kept going, kept climbing. I enjoyed taking the road less traveled.

When we got back to the trail, I realized that only one shoe even got a bit wet. Why had I been afraid?

I also realized that we all carry "OBSTACLES" in our own backpacks. We may look at our lives and wonder what happened to the trail. We may feel like we've lost our footing, our direction, or just our faith in the future. These are just our temporary realities based on the way we are seeing things. "OBSTACLES" is a rock I choose to remove from my backpack.

"TENACITY" will be its replacement, like an apple of gold. I can eat well from the fruit of tenacity.

Of course I will confront uncomfortable situations in my pursuit of excellence. I don't need to carry around a fear of them. They only become obstacles if I choose to let them deter me. With a bit of creativity instead, they become lovely "climbing toys." Overcoming them is child's play!

Climb on my friend. The view is great from up there!

Proverbs 4:18
18But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, That shines brighter and brighter until the full day.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Brand New Year

Okay, It's a New Year. Just the second day, in fact. I am still working on several projects. But I will make a commitment to blog more often. You may have to read my articles on, in order to see the larger postings, but I will try to keep us encouraged here several times a week.

One project for the year is called, "Repack your Backpack." This is one of my life themes, because I believe that everything we experience in our lives is a result of what is in our invisible backpack.

Most of us walk through life self-conscious. We are aware of our weaknesses. We feel the weight of doubt and insecurity. These are like heavy, life-sucking rocks that we carry around with us. They definitely hold us back from fulfilling our God-given destiny.

My goal for this year is for us to lose the baggage, and instead fill our backpacks with "apples of gold." When we are filled with good fruit, we can focus on others instead of ourselves.

We change our mantra to something like this, "I've got something. I'm going somewhere, and THINGS CHANGE WHEN I GET THERE!"

To your success,
