Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Your Prosperity is Already in Your Hands

Have you ever wondered what in the world you could do to come out ahead, right now? I believe the secret is not outside of yourself - it is right inside. Your prosperity is already in your hands.

A while ago, I wrote about King David as he slew the giant, Goliath. That story includes one of my favorite secrets - that "God in you makes you bigger than your enemy."

The other secret for today, is this: Your success is already in you - there is something that you have in your hand, in your heart, that is valuable.

In young David's case, King Saul tried to dress the boy in his armor and give him his great, big sword. However, that was not going to work for David. The armor didn't fit, and the only weapon he knew was a sling and stones. He defeated an entire army by knocking down their leader with a sling and a stone.

What is it that is in your hand? It is very tempting to hear about what is working for somebody else, and jump on their bandwagon. But your prosperity is within your own hand. Oh yes, you will learn new skills, but right now there is something inside you -worth money, worth sharing. Your experience is part of your gifting, and your gift is making a way for you.

One day I realized that energy psychology was a gift inside my own hand. I hadn't shared it publicly, because it seemed too odd. But all sorts of doors of increase have opened for me as I have shared this gift. What once seemed like a private tool for my own success has brought relief to hundreds -maybe more, just through my materials on the subject.

Don't underestimate what is inside of you. What you know is infinitely more valuable than what you do! We'll talk more about that in the future. For now, just start asking yourself, "What isinside of me, that is worth sharing with others?" Who knows, the answer just might be the key to slaying the giants in your life. So start sharing!

Until next time, keep playing hard - and enjoy your game!

In your corner,


Friday, March 14, 2008

A Success Meditation Audio for You

I am posting this to all my online friends because I recently spent
three hours in a professional studio to make a very special audio gift
for you! It is a success meditation audio that is...

guaranteed to increase your success level by helping you
renew your mind
from the inside out.

It’s often said that up to 96% of your behavior is driven by
your subconscious mind. That is why God tells us to
"meditate on his word day and night, so we’ll be careful to obey
it and then we’ll make our way prosperous and successful."

He also says that we are transformed (metamorphed - like a butterfly)
by the renewing of our mind.* Well, most of my clients struggle with
a sort of poverty mindset, so I made this CD called ’Blessed to Be
a Blessing.’ It is a soothing track set to music that you can listen to
for 10 minutes to re-focus your day, or...

you can let it play and repeat
the affirmations three times as you go about your business, or even
as you nap.

You get over 30 minutes of powerful, Scriptural words spoken over
you to help you "Repack Your Backpack" and turn your dark, heavy rocks into apples of gold.

When that happens, you are able to walk out your God-given calling, and touch the hurting with abundant life. You are blessed to be
a blessing! I personally listen to this at least once a day - and everything
has changed for me, so I’m very excited to share it with you.

Please download this special, no-strings attached AUDIO. Feel free to burn it to a CD for you car. If it blesses
you, just share it with others, and send me a comment.

I’m always thinking of ways to help my friends.

Here is the player and download link:

If there is any way that I can serve or support you, please let me know.

In your corner,


P.S. - I know some people have a hard time with
the "prosperity gospel." This audio is not about
growing in materialism. It is about being a blessing!

P.P.S .- Many of you are not on my Built To Win list-
I would be so happy if you would join my inner-circle
by filling out the form on my FREE STUFF tab:

Again here is the download link to Blessed to Be a Blessing

*For Scriptural support see Joshua 1:8 and Romans 12:1-2

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Energy Psychology for Athletic Performance

The above video demonstrates one Peak Performance technique that I use with great success for our athletes as well as business professionals. This is the Flow On Demand Energy Therapy that is written about in my Book. The Book is called Flow On Demand-the Athlete's Edge, and it is being downloaded every day on the internet with wonderful feedback.

Enjoy, and feel free to write with any questions:

Until next time - Keep playing hard and enjoy your game!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect

The other day I raised the question of subconscious sabotage. I wondered if the young catcher (my son) may have injured himself in response to unconscious inner conflict about his worthiness of starting over some seniors on his team. I still think it is a possibility. I can assure you, he has that conflict no more.

However, here is another possibility: lack of practice on that particular play. Have you ever grown comfortable with your performance and stopped practicing part of it?

I know in this case, the catchers have been so busy working with pitchers, that they have been robbed of their own defensive practice. It takes experience and repetition to anticipate certain move from a ball. Then it takes more practice to get it right.

"Practice makes perfect!" or so we are told. In reality, practice only makes perfect when we constantly learn from the feedback and make minor adjustments to improve. Otherwise, practice only makes permanent. How many times do we fail to read the feedback of our own "game," and choose instead to go through sloppy motions?

In conclusion, I don't know if Jordan's injury was totally a result of subconscious sabotage or just failure to practice that catch, or a combination of both. What I do know is that I am stirred to examine my own performance.

Even though my main game is not athletic, I also want to be free from every trace of self-sabotage, and I want to practice thinking, speaking and producing winning results. I choose to do better today than yesterday. And then - I'll be even better tomorrow. How about you? Are you willing to challenge yourself to new and improved levels of success?

Keep playing hard!


PS - many of you are enjoying the Athlete's Edge, Flow On Demand. Somehow we are having technical difficulties getting some little videos up for you to view and answer your questions. But stay tuned! If you haven't seen the book, you can check it out here: Flow On Demand

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Unconscious Sabotage

I usually write my Tuesday Tip first thing in the morning, but today was different.

I had to take my son to the doctor for an x Ray, to make sure his recent injury was not serious. I think there is a lesson in the injury in the first place. It may be a lesson on subconscious resistance to success.

Jordan is a sophomore in High School. That means obviously, that there are older boys than him who have worked very hard for their varsity slots. Whenever I would ask Jordan about starting, he would get agitated and talk about what is right and wrong about a sophomore starting over a senior. This is a clear case of conflict. Remember, as we talk about in my book, conflict is the opposite of Flow.

Well, right before this last game, his coach said, "Jordan, if you do well today, you'll probably be our starting catcher." Could that have triggered conflict? I think so, because on the very first play, the opposing hitter smacked a fly ball right between home and third, and as it tailed away from Jordan, he quickly tried to compensate and ended up falling with all his force on his elbow. It was the most bizarre looking thing I have ever witnessed on the field.

As we spent some time dealing with his deep disappointment, I also had him get clear on his "worthiness" issue. Thankfully he found out today that the bruised nerve is healing up, and nothing is fractured. But he will have to sit until it is completely recovered.

This is not just a baseball story. Unconscious sabotage happens in many arenas, including wealth creation, health and fitness, and relationship success. It is the same reason that 95% of all lottery winners find themselves back to their pre-lottery state within five years of winning. Because they never resolved the inner conflict about wealth. This is an invitation for you to look at your own "game," whether it is athletic, or financial, or personal, and look for hidden internal conflict.

Do you in any way see yourself as unworthy of success? Do you have conflicting emotions about how others may perceive you if you become very successful?

Today your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to get clear again on what you want, and why you want it. And then, walk in gratitude for the ability to make it happen. It is a gift, after all. If you have any inner conflict, then practice our three steps:

1. Acknowledge your conflict
2. Accept yourself anyway
3. Create an empowering response

IE - "Even though, I'm not sure I deserve this success right now, I accept myself anyway, and I choose to receive it with thankfulness."

Whatever it is for you, write it down, and keep saying it, tapping on your targets so you can feel the energy of it.

Success is easy when you eliminate the barriers.

Until next time, I encourage you to keep playing hard, and enjoy your game!

In your corner,


PS - If you are not sure about the book, you can check it out right here: