Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This week I must say that finally, yes FINALLY, I am feeling SO REFRESHED!

In fact, I've had the Top Gun Theme song playing in my head all day,
"Highway to the Danger Zone."

You see, I came upon this quote:

"In real life, it is the hare who wins. Every time. Look around you. And in any case, it is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market (giving people the fable they wanted to believe in) - after all, hares have no time to read such things. They are busy winning the race."

Anita Brookner
British historian
and novelist

Anita Brookner, whoever you are, THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!

You see...

I am a hare.Perhaps you are one too.

You know Aesop's hare - the rabbit - she jackrabbits
out the starting gate, and then loses the race to M i s t e r S l o w - a n d
s t e a d y- t o r t o i s e.

And all my life, I have been laughed at for my absolute
compulsion to "GO AFTER" stuff. I didn't usually mind because
I was busy accomplishing lots of my goals.

Then I "grew up" and learned that "life is a marathon, not a sprint..."
and by golly someone insisted that
"slow and steady wins the race."

Eventually my circle of "go-getter" friends went their ways
(mostly straight to the top)
and I went mine (into full time ministry)- where sometimes I could play
by my fast rules, and sometimes, I just played with the slow and small

For the record, I want to that say SPEED IS GOOD!

Look at all the most successful people you know. They harness the
power of speed. They GET 'ER DONE!

What is it you want to accomplish in the next six months? What about
the next year? Do you want to double your income? If so, then make
up your mind AND DO IT!

Do you want to triple your income? IF SO, LET ME BE THE FIRST
TO SAY, "YES, YOU CAN!" My own 2008 income will be at least
double what '07 was. And I'm certain I'll double it again in '09.

I am weary of slow people putting their excuses on GOOD HARES!

Take off the limits. Remove the delay between great ideas and bold action,
and you will get succeed. Or, quit dreaming about one day acting on that
dream of yours and act like it is yours now. Cut the excuses and take some action.

I am looking for some people who are tired of spinning their wheels and are

You can be, do and have all the things that you were created for. You
were made for dominion, not for the bottom of the barrel.

Be bold. Be fast. Get it done.

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