Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How To Be Heard in a Noisy Marketplace

How to Be Heard in a Noisy Marketplace

One time I was in Japan at a popular tourist destination. I was with a few friends from the states, but other than that, the people around us were foreign to us. The foreigners were talking with each other so it was not a quiet place. Still, their words were meaningless to me.

Soon among the voices I heard a stranger call out to his friend in perfect English,

"Hey Tom, check this out."

The words were nothing spectacular. They were not even louder than anyone around them. But they were in my language. I instantly spun around to see who was talking. What were they "checking out?"

I smiled to see two American GI's, intrigued by a memorial. From across the crowd, they smiled back at me. We felt like friends.

In today's market place those who need to hear your message are bombarded by thousands of other messages all day long. How can you be heard among that marketing noise?

Here are a few tips:

Speak their own language

Show that you understand the pains and problems that your prospect needs to solve. Avoid technical jargon unless your prospect loves that secret "code language."

Focus on benefits, not features

Your number one job is to answer their unspoken question: "What's in it for me?" If possible arouse curiosity.

Say it with a smile

I once read that an average looking woman with a genuine smile is considered much more attractive to men than a stunning woman without one. That may be good news for you singles out there, but it's even more important for you service providers out there. Be genuine. Smile. Be attractive.

In the end, your prospects in the marketplace will do business with those they know, like, and trust. If you want to be heard you must put their need for your help above your own need for approval.

Afraid of rejection? I'll talk about that next week.

Until then, keep playing hard, keep smiling, and enjoy your game.

In Your Corner,


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