I did happen to rewatch the Secret this morning. I must say, it is worth owning, even if you don't share the same world view as those speaking on the flick. You can download it over at www.thesecret.tv
So, going back to our list of 100 quotes...
1. We all work with one infinite power.
2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction.
2. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting.
4. We are like magnets- like attracts like. You become and attract what you think.5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out magnetic energy.Exactly! Every particle of the universe that we see, feel and touch is actually composed of energy.
If we break it all down, even the solid things like our muscles and blood and skin and bones, are just molecules of energy, vibrating with a magnetic resonance. With the right equipment you could even measure that vibration, or frequency. You could also say, "It's all BANDWIDTH!"
Just as importantly, the things you can not see are also composed of energy, or bandwidth...your thoughts, your emotions, your memories, your plans...they are just as powerful as what you can see in your current reality. In fact your current reality is absolutely dictated by your own perception of it. All of the data that you are interpreting, is subject to change. You can even change the meaning you attach to things you are looking at, or memories you hold.
How you see it, and how it makes you feel, dictates what becomes manifest or shown in your life.
Example - Let's say you are Alex Rodriguez, and you are sick and tired of playing in New York. So far, you are sending out a disempowering frequency. That negative energy will feed itself and attract more of the same.
So, you think the fans are against you, and then they write more stinging words against you in the paper. They say you're not worth your salary, and that you've lost your bat. So, you start believing those stories. (For Heaven's sakes, they're just stories!)
But as the season goes along, you get more and more pressure to perform in the post season, and you start focusing on your past failures. As you get up to bat, your body instantly releases amino acids that dock onto your cells as anxiety, and you fail to connect like you could.
This leads to more frustration, and less peak performance. It is not just a matter of positive or negative thinking...it involves emotion, and energy that is not related to your conscious thoughts.
Even if your name is not A-Rod, you have probably found yourself in a negative way here or there!
Unfortunately, most people tend to think about what they don't want more than about what they truly desire. They are loaded with conflicting emotions. As I said, in my book, Flow On Demand, conflict is the opposite of Flow!
Flow is that place where you are aligned with that beautiful, unbiased law of attraction. When you perform from flow, you find your game almost effortless and magical - a manifestation of all you have dreamed of and prepared for.
That is partly what makes sport so exciting in the first place - there is so much energy and intention and emotion in one place in two opposing directions. Go...fight...win! The one with the greatest harmony of talent, passion, and focus will win the contest, and come out stronger for it.
So what do you do with those negative thougts? How can you acknowledge them and cause them to lose power over your physiology? That is the subject of my book.
Some say you must just refuse to think them...however, in many cases, you are not consciously thinking them at all - they just vibrate right in your cells. I can help you with that.
For now, take the time to really sense what is triggering your emotions - both positive and negative. Then, take time to daydream about the best possible outcome.
As you dream, become aware of any doubts or conflicting energy. This time, think of the very worst that could happen. Let the fear have its chance to overwhelm your belly, your muscles, your mind. It's all energy....and this time you are sitting in control of it.
As you feel the anxiety, instead of fighting it, just observe it...you are its master. Let it try to get as big as possible, and then search for the center of it. Is it in your belly? Then go there in your mind, and look at that energy. Does it have a color? A shape? As you focus on it, it will probably dissipate. It is only energy. You have the power to control it.
This drill is so much better in person. If anyone wants to do this with me, I would love to record it on the phone. If you are an athlete, so much the better.
Anyway, as you zero in on this worst-case-scenario fear, you will find that it loses its power. You really could live with the worst.
Everything in your life is a choice. So, CHOOOSE LIFE! Go back to that negative energy and say something like:
"Even though I don't like this feeling, I choose to be calm and confident." You can tap on your heart as you say it to feel the vibration.
Then breathe in and out, "Calm and confident...calm and confident."
You my friend, are dealing constantly in a universe that respects the Law of Attraction. You may as well learn to master it.
Until next time, keep playing hard!
-Gina Parris