Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Friday, January 19, 2007

Wealth Creation or Stuff Accumulation?

For those of you who need to pack up your bag for the land of abundance, here is a secret:

Focus on creating wealth, not on accumulating stuff. That is the secret of the rich, and the undoing of the broke.

For those who long to get stuff, their pay raises will never create financial freedom. They will only buy nicer and nicer things, and still leave the buyer with "more month at the end of his money."

Instead, put your money to work for you. Buy things that will go up in value, not down. Think of ways to make money passively - while you are busy living life. When your money is making money...then spend the cash you didn't have to work for.

That way your money-making machine will still be in a place to create wealth for you all the time.

That is the beginning of freedom.

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