How to REMEMBER Your Perfect Future
How to REMEMBER Your Perfect Future
"NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen. " Hebrews 11:1
Almost a hundred years ago, magnificent mind boggling discoveries began
to be made in the field of quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
These laws seemed to defy regular physics.
Eventually it was discovered that all matter is part of a sea of connected atoms
and subatomic particles. What's more, these particles are simply frequencies
of energy spinning in "states of possibilities" Time does not even exist in
this realm. Everything past and future is spinning in a place of right NOW.
I could go on, and give you a resource guide of 70 books to read on the subject,
but the important thing is this:
This sub-atomic matter doesn't even exist in our dimension until we observe it.
That means we have to see the unseen before it becomes visible to our natural
eyes. The more clearly we observe in our imagination, the faster it becomes "real."
That place where you see the desired outcome, and feel the gratitude for it, is
the place of faith. Right now, your faith is giving substance to things hoped for.
On the negative side, your fears are giving substance to things dreaded. They
can't coexist without cancelling each other out. The frequencies of fear and faith
are opposite and equal.
You hear this physics when you slip on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones in
an airport. The headphones create equal and opposite frequencies to counter act
the airport noise that you hear. The result feels like silence to you, but all the energy
of those sounds is still around you. Your observation just changed.
Wow. I am trying to say this as simply as possible.
The point is: Your God-ordained future is yours to co-create, while your past is subject to new
No, you can't change the past, but you can change the meaning you give to
past events. You can change the power past memories have on your present
state, and on your future.
You can come into agreement with the "High and Lofty One who dwells in eternity"
and find out the plans he has for you. His plans are to prosper you and not to harm
you, to give you a future and a hope.
How do you do this and step into this Divine prosperity?
Here are the steps that have caused me and Paul to personally experience at least
20 miracles over the past 20 years.
1. Turn off all the noise and static.
Stop letting things into your eyes and ears that feed fear and confusion.
This seems obvious, but I'm amazed at how many people will fill their mind
with stuff that has nothing to do with where they want to go.
2. Find a promise and cling to it
I know this works for people who don't believe the Bible, but frankly, I don't
love or trust any other source. It was Jesus who said, "Whatever you desire
when you pray, believe that you have already received it and you shall have it."
Once I have a promise about something, I say it all the time, sing about it,
and write it on my mirror as already done.
3. Get clear on what you desire!
Remarkably most people don't get what they want, simply because they
don't really KNOW what they want. Get over the fears of your own desires.
If we all got what our hearts truly wanted, we would all get different and
correct stuff.
I'm not talking just about material things. However, it is fun to practice
using your faith on tangible stuff, because it's just so - TANGIBLE!
3. Be thankful BEFORE the answer arrives
Once you've asked for what you want, stay thankful. If doubts arise spend
more time practicing how you would feel if it were a "done deal."
Remember - Faith rejoices, gives thanks and is glad. Fear despairs,
complains and is sad. Stay in faith. Stay in gratitude.
4. Practice, practice, practice!
Practice acting like your ideal future is hear now. Practice
BEING the person who lives the ideal life. Practice having desires,
seeing mental images, and speaking words that are all in harmony
with each other.
5. Walk in love and forgiveness
Finally, it is important to stay completely free from resentment,
jealousy and strife. Remember, you can't change the past, but
you can change the meaning you give to past events. (or present
Forgive yourself and others for their shortcomings. Just about
everyone is doing the best they know how with the tools they have.
Receive God's love because His love NEVER fails, or disappoints.
As you do these steps, you will realize that your perfect future
has already been completed so there's nothing for you to struggle
over. You can get to the place where you simply...
Until next time, let me know how these steps work for you. You
can spend a lifetime practicing them. Some things will drop in
your heart more easily than others.
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