Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Thursday, October 05, 2006

When You're Happy to See Your Siblings

Well, it is one of those weeks when friends and neighbors go on vacation, and my children go off to enrichment programs...all my children that is, except the oldest one. For some reason Jordan is usually the busiest of the four, but he has no baseball this week, (and no nifty "enrichment flyers" came home from the high school) and his best friend is in Florida. How pitiful. He roamed the neighborhood today looking for any of his buddies, but alas, none were available to "come out and play."

His little brothers and younger sister have been home for four hours now, and I think he has been playing with them the whole time. In fact, I think he plans to watch the twins during their Karate and Football programs tomorrow. I doubt he is desperate enough to watch Kristan play basketball tomorrow morning, but right now, anything beats sitting at home.

When are you happy to see your siblings? When there is nothing else to do! That is how you feel when you are fourteen.

Now that I'm nearly forty, I'd be ecstatic to see any of my siblings for any old reason in the world.

My parents are coming out on Monday to enjoy the second week of Fall break with us. Since they are so much fun to have around, their visit will be a treat for us all. Hopefully, we'll continue to enjoy the family fun, but next break...I'm planning a trip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, this is your momma Gina and it was so fun seeing you and the grandchildren and we did have fun sharing your vaction at the Nashville zoo and Chattanooga Cho Cho. I love you ALL so much. Blessings. MOM