Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Single Minded Success

If you are striving but not finding the success that you desire, then chances are you have internal conflict about the issue. It is not easy to change yourself out of sheer will power. You need to instead, face the conflicting emotions and get into a place of internal congruency. That is when you achieve effortless success from a state called Flow.

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." That is a quote from James chapter one. We're also told that anyone who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. The doubter should not think he will receive anything from the Lord!

Well. In order to eliminate your doubts, I recommend that you be very specific about putting them into words. Don't let them be just an emotion. Then find out if there is any promise that is greater than your doubt.

As you consider your doubting emotion, accept yourself, doubts and all, and make the choice to believe the Truth. Then meditate on that exchange.

For example: "Even though I doubt I'll succeed at ever finishing this book, I choose to believe that God's blessing is on all the works of my hands, and the things I do prosper and come to full fruition."

You can use those ideas in a round of Flow On Demand, but to understand Flow On Demand, you need my pocket guide to it, and right now, that exists only in my head! Hint: It's very similar to EFT.

Let's keep pulling for eachother.



Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for writing all this every week or so.This time its all about me or you can say us(me n my husband)we r double minded right now about some things in our lifes.. i'll defeniatelly follow these things u said in this post but as u know its hard to overcome your doubts i'll need some more on this too..any other time with some bible verses n some quotes.

Gina Parris said...

Oh my friend, it really does help to feed your faith and starve your doubts. Love is so misunderstood because it is the result of a decision. Many years ago when i felt my marriage was struggling, I committed to only saying positive things like, "I have a GOOD guy!" Today he really is everything I could have hoped. And I think I"ve become more of the woman of his dreams at the same time.Don't quit.