Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Limits are in Your Head

I have had the privilege of working with a great baseball team these past few weeks. They are the 13 year old Babe Ruth all-star players from my town, and they were hosting the Tennessee State Championship last weekend. Since they were the hosts, they got to play, even though they didn't qualify at the district level.

They decided that with a little mental conditioning to go along with their outstanding fundamentals, they could win the state title.

We decided to address the beliefs that held them back before. I used the Flow On Demand Technique to get them to realize that all their limits were in their head, not in their muscles. They learned that they could hit with perfect vision and timing and form, and they could choose to "bury" the opponents when they got ahead, rather than fall apart. We spent about 20 minutes each practice, just on the mental game.

At the tournament, they came out every night and astounded the fans by doing exactly as they had mentally (and physically) prepared. They won all of their games handily, and went to bed the last night as State Champions! It is an experience they will never forget.

I love to see an underdog come out on top!

Do you ever feel like an "underdog?" Do you feel stress when you think of performing under certain pressures? Well, I assure you, the limits you place on yourself on in your mind. They are not in your ability. You can choose to shut off the limits.

Be blessed,

Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

PS. Photo by Mike McGee at Used entirely without permission, so if you like it, go buy it, and check out his other archives as well!!

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