Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Sunday, December 10, 2006


A few days ago we looked at the promise of living by faith. Anything and everything good and wonderful is possible by faith.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

You can receive whatever you can believe. But nothing will short-circuit your believing like unforgiveness.

Holding unforgiveness in your heart is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person will suffer.

You may protest, thinking that forgiveness is the same as condoning the wrong actions of another. To forgive another is not to say that he is innocent. It is to release your right to judge him.

Let God be the judge of another, not you. Why? Because you yourself will one day need mercy, not judgement.

We so often judge other people by their actions, while judging ourselves by our intentions. What hypocracy!

For your own sake, follow the Word. Forgive, from your heart. After all, the person who hurt you, was probably doing the best he knew, with what he had.

That's why Jesus was able to say it from the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."

It's not a feeling. It is a choice.

Bless you!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Thanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving was this week. My little family sat around the table thinking of all our favorite Thanksgiving days. Paul and I remembered Thanksgiving of '90, when we left Spokane for Germany. I remember my sister Susan, getting up early to join my parents in seeing us off at the airport.

We had a 24 hour layover in St. Louis, and since it was Thanksgiving day, we felt especially lonely there. We both cried in our strange hotel. Then we got up and went downstairs to the hotel restaurant. There was the most beautiful Thankgiving meal buffet, with linen tablecloths and real china and silverwear on the tables. Amazingly, we felt all better after eating! That was the first time I understood the term "comfort food!"

I also remember Thanksgiving days in different cities, enjoying the holiday with friends that were also away from family members.

I remember one special Thanksgiving meal in Spokane, with my dearest neighbors. Their family was from Pakistan, so my sister and I made them a full Thanksgiving meal at our house. Of course next to that tasty Middle Eastern food, our meal is bland and boring, but our guests were so gracious. They were also dressed in the most beautiful outfits, and I realized after I sat at the table, that I had not even remembered to change my clothes. There I was, eating in my home-maker uniform - sweats! Oh dear...why didn't Paul say something? In fact, I think I'm wearing the exact same sweatshirt, right now as I type this!

What dear friends, and how I miss them. Shaista, if you're out there, I sure wish you lived next door to me now! My prayers are with your precious Mama and your brothers too.

This Thanksgiving was quieter than I would have liked, but I will never get tired of a whole day devoted to an attitude of gratitude. I have so much to appreciate, that sometimes, the blessings leave me overwhelmed with God's goodness.

When I asked my kids what they're all grateful for, Kristan looked at me and cut right to the chase. "You mom. We're all thankful for you!"

That smarty-pants. She just wanted me to laugh...and pass her more turkey. It worked.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 13, 2006

The Problem - or the Promiser?

It has been said that struggling people often focus on their problems, while successful people focus on the solutions. I totally believe this. You could also say it this way, "You can either choose to focus on the problem, or on the promise."

A shortcoming of most people, is they are unaware of many promises. They spend little time in the Promise book, where their faith could be built up.

The easiest way I have found to receive a promise is to focus on The Promise-er! I love to read the Word, and sing songs about the Character of my Heavenly Father.

Abraham knew this secret. "By faith Abraham, even though he was past age, and Sarah herself was barren- was enabled to become a father, because he considered Him faithful who had made the promise." *

My very favorite attribute of God is his faithfulness. I was raised by some Pastors who must have said it to me hundreds of times, "God is faithful!"

One time my husband, Paul, was laid off work for 8 months. It turned out to be the most peaceful, precious, supernaturally provided-for time of our lives together. Why? Probably because night and day, my mind was racked with talk and thoughts of how Faith-ful God is. The thought that he might leave us to "go under" was unthinkable. It honestly did not cross my mind. Instead, I was excited to see what He had in mind.

Faithful, faithful, full of faith, unwavering, true...I can just think on that word and get happy! Hanging around a Father like that will naturally fill you with faith of your own. It's not something you strive for. It's just his DNA, manifesting in you, his child.

Then you understand the meaning of this: "Have the faith of God," Jesus answered. "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."*

Whew! We'll talk about forgiveness next time. But for now, understand, having the "God-kind" of faith, is an effortless biproduct of fellowship with the Faithful one.

Today, as always, there may be a few problems, nagging for my attention. But I only have time for the Promise-er. How about you?

Enjoy the journey!

* See Romans 11:11, *Mark 11:22-25

Friday, November 03, 2006

Your Future is Not Dictated by Your Past

I have friends who are have had a hard life. Does it ever get any better? Yes. It can.

I love Timone and Pumba from the Lion King. They had wise words for poor Simba, whose past included some tradgedy, for sure. Simba's future didn't look very bright.

With a flourishing song and dance, Timone and Pumba encouraged the young lion. "That's why it's important to put your behind in your past!"

What good advice from some animated creatures.

Why do we dwell on the past? The good life is yours right now. If you open your heart to a spirit of gratitude instead of a spirit of dispair, you will find find your future is so bright, that you need sunglasses! How do you create a bright, wonderful future? The same way you create a bright, wonderful present - by giving voice to it.

Your words create your reality. Why? Because they affect the way you believe. Try saying some things right now.

"Right now I am blessed and not cursed."

"Right now I have more than enough!"

"My needs are met and I'm out of debt, and there's plenty today to give some away!"

"Today is the best day of my life."

"My future is brighter than my past!"

Keep it up. Your destiny is in your hands...and in your heart...and in your mouth!

Romans 10:10
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Closer to My Goal Tomorrow

Are you a goal-oriented person? I used to be. When I was a young, idealistic teenager, I wrote my goals regarding every topic in my life. I was very specific about what I wanted, and I usually got it. My closest friends were also high achievers, and they spured me on towards my goals.

Then something happened - LIFE. I don't think it was one specific event, but the older I got, the more I realized that life doesn't always hand me my fulfilled goals on a platter. Sometimes life just hands us all a curve ball.

Sometimes my relationships failed. Sometimes my schoolwork just didn't make sense. Sometimes my fitness goals turned into dangerous obsessions. Sometimes my work filled me dread instead of joy. One time I suffered for months with a terrible case of depression.

So what happened? As a result of many disappointments, I lost my courage to set any more goals. I hated feeling like a failure when I didn't succeed within my timelines.

Now, I have a system that works for me. I list who I want to be in each of my roles. How do I want to look, act, feel, and what do I want to accomplish in each role? Those are my goals. And then I ask myself, "What can I do today to bring me closer to my goal?"

My action steps are simple: "By finishing a 20 minute workout today, I'll be closer to my goal tomorrow. By working for 1 solid hour on my book, I'll be closer to my goal tomorrow. By planning what I'll cook all week, I'll be closer to my goal tomorrow. (Homemaker is not my strongest role!)

Anyway, you get the idea. I have learned that small, purposeful actions add up. We often say that if you continue to do what you've always done, than you'll continue to get what you've always gotten. If I continue to do the things I've done for the last several years, than I will continue with slow but steady increase. Maybe soon, I'll open my heart back up to fast and steady increase...but one step at a time!

How about you? What can you do today that will take you closer to your goals tomorrow? Don't be afraid to write them down.

James 2:17, 19
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead... Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Single Minded Success

If you are striving but not finding the success that you desire, then chances are you have internal conflict about the issue. It is not easy to change yourself out of sheer will power. You need to instead, face the conflicting emotions and get into a place of internal congruency. That is when you achieve effortless success from a state called Flow.

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." That is a quote from James chapter one. We're also told that anyone who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. The doubter should not think he will receive anything from the Lord!

Well. In order to eliminate your doubts, I recommend that you be very specific about putting them into words. Don't let them be just an emotion. Then find out if there is any promise that is greater than your doubt.

As you consider your doubting emotion, accept yourself, doubts and all, and make the choice to believe the Truth. Then meditate on that exchange.

For example: "Even though I doubt I'll succeed at ever finishing this book, I choose to believe that God's blessing is on all the works of my hands, and the things I do prosper and come to full fruition."

You can use those ideas in a round of Flow On Demand, but to understand Flow On Demand, you need my pocket guide to it, and right now, that exists only in my head! Hint: It's very similar to EFT.

Let's keep pulling for eachother.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

When You're Happy to See Your Siblings

Well, it is one of those weeks when friends and neighbors go on vacation, and my children go off to enrichment programs...all my children that is, except the oldest one. For some reason Jordan is usually the busiest of the four, but he has no baseball this week, (and no nifty "enrichment flyers" came home from the high school) and his best friend is in Florida. How pitiful. He roamed the neighborhood today looking for any of his buddies, but alas, none were available to "come out and play."

His little brothers and younger sister have been home for four hours now, and I think he has been playing with them the whole time. In fact, I think he plans to watch the twins during their Karate and Football programs tomorrow. I doubt he is desperate enough to watch Kristan play basketball tomorrow morning, but right now, anything beats sitting at home.

When are you happy to see your siblings? When there is nothing else to do! That is how you feel when you are fourteen.

Now that I'm nearly forty, I'd be ecstatic to see any of my siblings for any old reason in the world.

My parents are coming out on Monday to enjoy the second week of Fall break with us. Since they are so much fun to have around, their visit will be a treat for us all. Hopefully, we'll continue to enjoy the family fun, but next break...I'm planning a trip!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

But What About Me??

Well, Fall break is upon us. What a glorious time to go on a family vacation...and if you are less organized, than it is a good time to lament the fact that you didn't plan one. Such was the case yesterday.

Our next door neighbors departed for a week at Disneyworld. This realization brought my son Nathan, to tears as he came in the house.

"How come we NEVER go anywhere fun?"

This was a good time to remember our wonderful trip just a few months ago to Pigeon Forge, followed by a glorious trip with the baseball team to Virginia. It turns out, we DO go great places....just so far, not Disneyworld.

Amazingly, the more he complained, the less inclined I felt to take him anywhere. My annoyance grew into a threat to leave him home on our next vacation!

"Nathan!" I told him, "When we are thankful for what we have, then more wonderful things come to us. But self-pity destroys our joy, and the joy of everyone around us. It stops blessings from coming to us!"

About an hour later, he came and found me and apologized with a hug.

"Mom" he said, "I'm really sorry that I was feeling sorry for myself. I totally forgot that I get to go to football camp this week, and I am really, really excited for that!

That reminded me...

"Nathan, do you like it when we go out to restaurants that have all-you-can-eat buffets?"


"Me too. When you see someone ahead of you in line with a great plate of food, do you get jealous, or just excited at the possibilites?"

With a knowing smile he answered, "excited at the possibilities."

I asked, "Why don't you feel sorry for yourself then? I mean, that person has something you don't have, right?"

"Yeah, but my turn is coming!"


Today, if you compare yourself to someone else and feel tempted to ask, "But what about me?" I encourage you to rejoice with that person and expect that your turn is coming!

Romans 12:15
Rejoice with those who rejoice.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Happy Bucks

A few weeks ago, I was the guest at the Local Kiwanis club.

A portion of their meeting consisted of the most delightful thing: They call it their "Happy Bucks," and it's a time when members get to stand and give a few dollars in honor of something that made them happy that week. What a hoot! Many of the dollars were given in relation to football games, (and NFL cheerleaders) and the whoops and hollars seemed to grow with each gift. Two of the men were celebrating wedding anniversaries that week. One man gave forty bucks for forty great years, while his friend, who was a little less prepared, gave one dollar and sheepishly promised an IOU. Cheers!

Over a dozen people donated Happy Bucks that night. My host leaned over and explained to me that at the end of the year they give the money to a charity. I figured that was a lot of money over a year of weekly meetings. By the time they were finished giving, my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard. What a great approach to giving!

Giving in response to gratitude is one of the keys to prosperity, especially when it's done with great joy! This morning on the way to school, I launched an impromptu "gratitude party" in the car. I was amused at all the happy ideas that poured from my kids' mouths. They were interrupting each other with gratitude. As we drove, the happiness grew. Their day was off to a good start.

Did I give any money away in response to such thankfulness? Of course! But money is not the only thing you can give. I encourage you to stop and count your blessings today, and as you do, just ask yourself, "What could I give in response to this?" It is a fun way to live.

2 Corinthians 9:7
...for God loves a cheerful giver.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What to Expect from an EFT Workshop

One day an acquaintance suggested some videos on this revolutionary "energy therapy" called Emotional Freedom Technique, which was refined by a Stanford trained engineer named Gary Craig. She told me that she was able to get through our grueling workouts due to this technique, and it helped her with all kinds of performance issues as well. So I ordered the first 13 hours of videos and eagerly watched the first one. As I watched, I thought it was so rediculous that I put it on the shelf and shared it with no one.

The idea is that all matter, including our bodies, is made up of energy, and all negative emotion is caused by a disruption in our energy system. So...we combine what we know about Western science and mix it with Eastern acupuncture meridians and perform a kind of "emotional acupuncture" on ourselves. We do this by tapping on these energy targets on our face and hands, while mentally tuning in to our distressing emotion or pain. As we do, the distressing thought loses its power to affect us any more. Absurd! ...Absurd?

Later one day while I was showering, I thought about the technique, and completed a "full round" on an issue that had bothered me for 15 years. Instantly, my life was changed in that area, and I couldn't believe it. I took the videos off the shelf, watched the other 12 hours (and then dozens more) and became a serious student of the subject. Soon, I started sharing it with my family and friends and then my coaching clients. The results were almost always amazing, and when they weren't, I went on a quest to find out why not. I have seen phobias cleared, athletes amazed, and limiting beliefs eliminated. This often results in weight loss for the overweight, freedom for the addicted, prosperity for the financially challenged, and peace for the distressed.

I have since learned so much about how our bodies and soul work, and I now love using EFT to help people get over all kinds of troubling issues where traditional therapy has failed. I even love using it with my Christian friends who have had a hard time walking in the reality of Biblical promises.

When you have unconscious, (or soulish) emotions that are contrary to the Truth, than your body or physical reality will line up with your soul, even if you try to "be positive." One way to renew that soul is to flood it with Truth. However, I have found that it is much faster to simply clear the conflicting emotion first, THEN install the Truth. Result - a desired state in response to a formerly distressing trigger. This can take place in moments! (or sometimes longer)

In an EFT workshop, we are able to identify those emotions and the beliefs behind them, and literally "tap away" their power. In their place, we choose the emotion or state that we desire. In the end, most participants discover that they are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made! They walk away with a new lasting freedom, and with a tool to help them any time they discover a feeling of distress.

I asked the Lord if this was a strange practice from a Kingdom perspective. He assured me that it is no stranger than an MD explaining to a Christian a proper view of nutrition. I am thrilled to be able to offer Emotional Freedom Technique to all who are open.

If the Son has made you free, then you are free indeed. It's time to put our spirit and soul and body into a place of perfect unity, that we all may be whole!

For more info you can check out Gary Craig's website at

Feel free to post questions to this blog.



Sunday, September 17, 2006

You're Busted!

Yesterday was a perfect Saturday morning...I got to sleep in 'till 8, while Paul went to the gym. When I got up, the twins were ecstatic to greet me...they had already been tearin' it up for an hour! They were pretending to be cops- wearing superhero jammies and bearing light sabers.

"Mama, Mama! We've turned into house cops and we've already given Jordan four tickets!"

"Four tickets!" I replied, impressed.

"Yeah! Each one costs him a dollar. We're gonna be rich, RICH, RICH!!" squealed Matthew.

"You mean he's already broken the law four times?"

"Yes!" Exclaimed Nathan, as he gleefully counted off Big Brother's felonies:

"Number One- clothes on the bathroom floor!
Number Two - clothes on his bedroom floor!
Number Three- playing too much video games!
and Number Four - not making his bed!"

"Not making his bed! Well," I asked, "Where is he?"

"He's still SLEEPING!" they roared in unison.

Now that is the problem with the letter of the law. You're busted before you even wake up!

I told the twins that Jordan was allowed to seek legal counsel and since he's broke, I appointed Kristan to be his attorney.

"He'll never pay." She assured.

The law is pretty soft around here because the next time I looked up, there was my "accused" carrying his pajama-clad accusers under his arms, and tossing them onto the sofa.

They were all having way too much fun. So, they used all that energy to clean up the infractions and spent the rest of the day knee boarding, wake boarding and attempting to even sky-ski on the Lake.

I love it when Mercy triumphs over judgement!

My mega-thanks to Jim and Maggie Posey for showing us a fabulous time all day long. When I grow up I want to be just like them.

Romans 8:34
And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Bobby, Come Home!

This is a story that is told by gospel singer, Candy Hemphill Christmas. It is about a childhood friend of hers named Bobby:

Over the years Bobby had become rebellious and angry at God and his parents and his church. His life became consumed with drug abuse as he grew into a greater and greater prisoner of his addictions.

One day Bobby just disappeared. His broken hearted parents did not know if he had been murdered over a drug deal or if he killed himself, or just ran away. For two years they did not hear from him at all, not even one phone call or letter. He had just vanished.

Bobby's dad felt the crushing grip of months of pent-up frustration and pain while driving on the outskirts of the Arkansas city where he lived. He pulled his car off to the side of the road, got out and walked off some distance from the highway. He pointed his finger towards the north and yelled with all his might, "BOBBY, COME HOME!" Turning towards the south, he shouted in the wind, "BOBBY, COME HOME!" To the East and West, he did the same.

Two days later, this dad heard a knock at the door. There stood Bobby. BOBBY WAS HOME!

As his dad hugged him he asked, "Son, what brought you home?"

"Dad," Bobby said, "I was sitting on the front porch of an old shack on the edge of the desert in Arizona, stoned out of my mind. A wind started blowing and suddenly grew stronger. Dad I could have sworn that I heard your voice in the wind, 'BOBBY, COME HOME!' and so, I got here just as fast as I could."

Proverbs 18:21 Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

Story featured in The 2 Minute Miracle (Portal, GA: Portal Publishing Company) by Lynn Reddick

Monday, August 28, 2006

Honoring Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Now that I live in Tennessee, I have become more familiar with the country music culture. My favorite quality of these current superstars is their undying reverence for those who have gone before them. Even though the modern songs sound different from the music of the older Grand Ole Opry stars, those musical forefathers hold a place of honor.

Did you know that you and I can benefit from looking at our own families and honoring those who have gone before us? The Bible tells us that honoring our father and mother is the first commandment with a promise of prosperity and long life.* I believe this goes beyond just one's immediate parents, and extends to honoring your forefathers as well.

We may have forefathers (and mothers) who were not perfect, and who had certain failings, but their hope was that things would be better for us. Have you honored them for doing the best they knew? I believe there is a place in that unseen realm where time and space do not exist. We can close our eyes and go to that place, and turn around and literally bless those of our blood line who went before us. In our blessing we can forgive them for their shortcomings, and release a measure of righteousness upon them.

It is interesting to note that one way that God manifests this blessing on them is to pour out on their offspring the "double portion" of blessing. They are actually vidicated by your success and prosperity. You may think that your inheritance from them was worthless, but the original plan said "A good man lays up a treasure for his children's children."* Perhaps they were not able to lay hold of that themselves, due to lack of understanding, but their inheritance is still available, flowing in your veins. Why is it that we are often more aware of any generational curses than blessings?

I have begun to walk in a new level of prosperity since blessing my forefathers, including those of my husband. We will honor them by faithfully handling all of the goodness that comes our way. We will fulfill our divine destiny. Something in that blessing has altered our DNA for good.

* See Ephesians 6:1-3
* See Proverbs 13:22
Isaiah 61:9
And their offspring shall be known among the nations and their descendants among the peoples. All who see them [in their prosperity] will recognize and acknowledge that they are the people whom the Lord has blessed.

Monday, August 21, 2006

They Might Not Like You!

I was reminded of a conversation I had with a mom when I was 14 years old. We had just met this family and they invited my whole family to their home for dinner. I was excited because they had some kids close to our ages. I was enjoying the evening very much when this Mom said to me,
"Gina, you are the most interesting young girl I have ever seen. As I watch you, it's like it never even occurs to you that people may not like you!"
I stopped in my tracks, wondering what in the world she meant.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
She repeated her observation, and so I asked, "Do I bother you?"
"No." She said with a smile, "I just think it is interesting how easily you mix with everybody."
I left the room thinking what a bummer it would be to spend my life worrying about whether or not everyone liked me.
Over the years however, I have realized that most people have some sort of this fear of rejection. They fear reaching out to other people because they are not sure they have any internal value to offer. People who fail to see value in themselves are quick to see the weaknesses in others as well. This sometimes comes off as a critical spirit, and it makes the people around them feel badly.
As a result, the critical, under-confident person may indeed be unpopular. The fear fulfills itself.
The Great Commandment teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves. There is nothing holy in not loving yourself. You cannot give away what you don't have, but you only get to keep what you give away.
Don't be afraid. God's love in you can not fail. If you get a revelation of how loved you are, it is easier to break the cycle of defeat.
And what about those people who really don't like you? Well, greater is the Love in you, than the hate in them! Choose the higher way -you'll know what to do.


1 John 4:19
We love because He first loved us.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

You Have Not Because You Ask Not

Yesterday while I was making dinner, my cell phone rang on my hip. The caller was one of my children, phoning from the bathroom down the hall. The toilet paper roll was empty and this child was requesting a refill - promptly! The other 3 siblings found this hysterically funny.

Personally, I am always proud when any one chooses to handle life's annoyances with creativity and humor.

How often do you and I face a situation of lack, and instead of just asking for what we need, we spend all of our energy getting annoyed and upset? Possibly, we just determine that our desire is out of reach.

I believe that nothing is out of reach, if you persist in faith and patience.

I currently have a desire to attend a conference in Seattle to take my Performance Coaching to a much higher level. This is because I want to effectively help thousands more people. The conference is on the 3rd weekend of October, and right now, attending looks out of reach.

I am asking my Heavenly Father to get me there. Since I am sharing it with all of you, you will see if I press through and lay hold of this one or not. Wow. I have not publicly shared an endeavor before it was reached.

For any of you who are also reaching for the impossible, GO FOR IT!

If at first you don't succeed, then try and try and try again. You may be surprised where your efforts take you, if your steps are indeed ordered by the Lord.

I want to leave you with a favorite Scripture today. I'll find a translation that does the best job interpreting the original Greek tense.

Keep the switch of faith turned on,


Luke 11:9-10 (Amplified Bible)

9So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you.
10For everyone who asks and keeps on asking receives; and he who seeks and keeps on seeking finds; and to him who knocks and keeps on knocking, the door shall be opened.

Luke 11:9 Charles B. Williams, The New Testament: A Translation: The idea of continuing or repeated action is often carried by the present imperative and present participles in Greek.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Posture of Defeat

"Strike three!"
The inning was over and the player headed to the dugout, head down, face tense and shoulders slumped.
Worse yet, as the team took the field, the posture on all of the players looked remarkably similar - defeated.
I turned into the loud-mouthed performance coach, "Get those shoulders back! Put your chins in the air!" But it was to no avail. The players had frustration coursing in their muscles. They could not bring themselves to act in a way that was inconsistent with their emotions.
Practice this exercise: Think of a specific time when you were feeling totally successful and victorious. Remember every detail as clearly and brightly as possible.
How did you stand? How did you breathe? What expression was on your face? What thoughts were you thinking just before your success?
Now stand up and remember a time you were totally frustrated and embarrassed. How did you stand then? How did you breathe? (Did you forget to breathe?) What expression was on your face just before your "crash?"
As you are reliving your frustrating moment, you should be able to feel the emotion of it.
Now, switch posture. Choose the empowering posture of your first memory - the great one. Just choose the posture and the breath, and the facial expression.
Did you feel a difference? You are the master of your fate. You can choose power at any moment. Chances are, you are perfectly equipped to face whatever it is that is confronting you right now.
Refuse to go at it in fear. Put your game face on.
Now, go play!

1 Corinthians 9:24
Run in such a way as to get the prize.

editor's note: the subject of this photo, Mr Jordan Parris, takes issue with being described as having "defeated posture" in this pic. He says that was not the case. (This is true, it was taken at a game where his team kicked some buns.) I say it was the only thing in my archives to stick up there. Sorry, go play!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Hero of the Story

My in-laws stopped by for a visit last week from San Diego. As they drove into our driveway, they were greeted by the twins. Matthew was wearing a shirt that said, "Robin Hood."
"Guess what." Matthew told them, "I was in a play called Robin Hood."
"You were? That is wonderful."
"Yes, and I was the HERO of the story!"
"The hero!" said Grandma. "You mean you were Robin Hood?"
"Well, no." He replied. "I was a skunk. Actually, I was Skunk Number Two."

You have to love a director who can convince a skunk that he is the hero of the story!

You are probably a hero to somebody. Today you can tell yourself, "I am the hero of this story!" And then create your day just as you desire.

We're going to Williamsburg Virginia for a week of baseball today. I will be a hero if I can stay cheerful with 4 kids in a car for 12 hours. Each Parris child will be a hero if he stays sweet. And the All-Stars will be heroes if they play like they know 3 digit heat.

Pray for us,

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Limits are in Your Head

I have had the privilege of working with a great baseball team these past few weeks. They are the 13 year old Babe Ruth all-star players from my town, and they were hosting the Tennessee State Championship last weekend. Since they were the hosts, they got to play, even though they didn't qualify at the district level.

They decided that with a little mental conditioning to go along with their outstanding fundamentals, they could win the state title.

We decided to address the beliefs that held them back before. I used the Flow On Demand Technique to get them to realize that all their limits were in their head, not in their muscles. They learned that they could hit with perfect vision and timing and form, and they could choose to "bury" the opponents when they got ahead, rather than fall apart. We spent about 20 minutes each practice, just on the mental game.

At the tournament, they came out every night and astounded the fans by doing exactly as they had mentally (and physically) prepared. They won all of their games handily, and went to bed the last night as State Champions! It is an experience they will never forget.

I love to see an underdog come out on top!

Do you ever feel like an "underdog?" Do you feel stress when you think of performing under certain pressures? Well, I assure you, the limits you place on yourself on in your mind. They are not in your ability. You can choose to shut off the limits.

Be blessed,

Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

PS. Photo by Mike McGee at Used entirely without permission, so if you like it, go buy it, and check out his other archives as well!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

When Things Don't Work Out

Sometimes life comes at us with heartache. At those times we have the opportunity to discover what we really believe. I am reminded of a Psalm that talks about the life of Joseph. Joseph went through terrible times that did not seem to support the promises that God had given him. Still, it was not God who was on trial.

Psalm 105:17-21 AMP

17He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold as a servant.
18His feet they hurt with fetters; he was laid in chains of iron and his soul entered into the iron,
19Until his word [to his cruel brothers] came true,
until the word of the Lord tried and tested him.
20The king sent and loosed him, even the ruler of the peoples, and let him go free.
21He made Joseph lord of his house and ruler of all his substance,

Eventually, the promises over Joseph all came true. He was able to recount the worst of it and know that even though it was meant for evil, God used it for good.

I will never claim to understand why things don't always seem to work out in this life, but I know this: I am the one being tried and tested by the Word. God is not on trial. He already proved his limitless love for me by sending his son in the likeness of human flesh.

Sometimes we stand toe to toe against the adversary and declare, "I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I know."

1John 4:16
16And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

Yes, I am convinced that joy will return in the morning. Healing will come. Comfort will come. You will look upon your enemy and say, "You hit me with your best shot. But look at me. I am still standing!"

Don't quit now. You are not alone.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Washing Machine

When I was in my second year of Bible College, my two roomates and I had our first faith victory together. We believed God for a washing machine. Here's how it happened.

We had just learned Hebrews 11:1 Which says: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." We were told that one translation of that verse reads, "Now faith is giving substance to things hoped for..."

We latched right on to that idea. At our house, we had a nice dryer for our clothes but no washing machine, so we were hauling our clothes to the laundry mat, and bringing them home all wet, to throw into the dryer. It was obvious to us, that our faith could "give substance" to a washing machine. So we started saying it all the time. We would go to the laundry mat and say, "I"m so glad our faith is giving substance to a washing machine!"

The boys that we hung out with, found this quite amusing. They would usually come over and say something like, "Hey, nice dryer. Where's the washing machine again?"

Without flinching, we were quick to reply, "Our faith is giving substance to one!"

One day I was at the home of one of these boys, who happened to live with his older sister. His sister happened to be one of the instructors at the school. Somehow the topic of our "faith project" came up and this boy chuckled at me again. "I love how you girls are giving substance to a washing machine!" he said.

"What?" His sister had overheard us. "Gina, do you need a washing machine?"

"Why, yes." I replied, "We are believing for one."

She looked right at her little brother. "Scott!" She ordered. "Go get Steven right this minute, get the washing machine that Mom and Dad gave me out of the garage, and take it to the girls."

I was surprised. "You've had an extra one this whole time?"

"I never thought about it! " Scott answered.

Within minutes, the brothers were delivering it to our house. My Texan roomate was so excited to see where it came from that she jumped up and down and screamed, "It's an anointed washing machine!" (That's Christianese for "Really Cool.")

The three of us enjoyed this washing machine for the whole year, and it served as a constant reminder of Hebrews 11:1.

Since then, my faith has given substance to nearly every good thing in my life. I know that every good and perfect gift comes from my Heavenly father, and all I have to do is receive it by faith.

Your beliefs are giving substance to some thing all the time - either good or bad!

Believe for the best!


Mark 11:24
24Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Pink Color

Back in the summer of '94, my son Jordan was just 2 years old, and we were living in hot, dry, New Mexico.

Suddenly he was hysterically in need of something. "Mama, the Pink Color! I need the Pink Color!"

I thought this was odd, since he was not coloring at the time, but I grabbed a pink crayon and asked, "Here's the pink color, do you need this?"

"NO! The PINK Color!"

This went on for some time while I tried to comfort him with every pink thing I could find.

Finally, he tore off his t-shirt and ran outside to the SPRINKLER-where he was aching for some relief from the heat. He waved it in front of me, jumped up and down and with a big smile, said it again, "The Pink Color, the Pink Color!"

Well, that was easy enough! He just wanted to run through the sprinkler! (Those were the days!!) so on came the water, and all was good!

So often we hear people through our own perceptions, instead of really trying to understand what it is they are feeling and saying. How much better could our relationships be if we took the time to really listen to people, look them in the eyes as they speak, and hear from their perspective?

Remember, effective communication requires two things - acute observation and personal flexibility. You can make someone's day by giving your undivided attention long enough to really understand.

What does he need? The pink color, or the sprinkler? The difference is in understanding how he speaks!

James 1:19
dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Listen with your heart today, and your ears, and your eyes...

Bless you!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

There is a Healer

A few years ago I came home from a dinner where I was singing and playing the keyboards with our band, and I realized that Paul was not happy. In fact, I was pretty sure that somehow, I was in trouble! Something must have made for a tough night at home with the kids.

"I can't believe we have no children's tylenol in the house!" he finally blurted.

"Oh dear." I thought. Surely that is the kind of thing a more organized mother would keep on hand. " I hardly ever think to use tylenol," I replied. "What happened?"

"Well Nathan has a raging ear infection!" (The twins were four then.) "He screamed in pain for over an hour, just like the last time it was infected."

I winced again. "Ooh. Where is he now?"

"Well," Paul quietly smiled. "He went to Jordan, and as soon as Jordan prayed for him, Nate stopped crying and fell asleep, so he's sleeping next to him right now."

Way to go, Jordan! Big brother was just 10.

This was NOT the time to ask, "Goodness! Why didn't you pray first?" So I mentioned, "When we were little, Mom used to put iced cold water in our ears with a dropper to stop the pain."

Paul just looked at me like Mom was going to lose her nursing licence. "I have never heard of anything like that."

I grinned, "Well, if he's still hurting tomorrow I"ll take him to the doctor."

We were still in bed the next morning when we heard the triumphant yelling from Jordan's bedroom. It was Nathan. "Hey everybody!!! I'm healed!!!"

He tore into our bedroom and said, "Guess what! Last night Jesus came into the bedroom and he poured something in my ear, and he healed me!!"

I looked at Paul, "You went and put something in his ear?"

He was just as surprised, (and we are faith people!) "I didn't do it - it must have been Jesus."

Nathan turned into an evangelist - he had seen the Lord!

After telling all of the family members about his supernatural encounter, he got on the preschool bus with Matt, and joyfully told the whole bus crew, "I was sick with a bad ear ache, and Jesus came to me last night and healed me!"

After school was out, he saw all the school kids descending from their bus stop, and he ran out the door to holler out to them, "Hey guys, there is a Healer, and his name is Jesus! I know 'cause he healed me!"

For two whole days, Nathan had no other song but "I was in pain, and Jesus healed me."

It was a wonderful lesson for all of us. Why do we so often pray last? Would we possibly pray without believing for a miracle? Why bother?

Lord! Thank you for the faith of a child.

Matthew 18:3-4
And [Jesus] said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Benevolent Universe

Man has made some remarkable discoveries about the world around us. We know that all things are composed of matter - smaller and smaller and smaller particles of matter. But what makes up the matter? Energy!

Everything you see with your eyes, as well as everything you can't see, is really just energy. Even solid things that you can hold in your hands, are made up of energy, held together in a certain order.

This begs the question to me, "What is holding everything together?"

"The Benevolent Universe," some will reply.

Yes. That is the Eastern mindset - that all is energy and all is one, and all is ultimately the Universe - the Benevolent Universe, the Divine. It's like The Force on Star Wars.

Oh! That is so beautiful, but the Bible elevates it even more. The Great Force is not the Universe, but the Creator of the Universe, who wants to fill you with his fullness and call you his friend, make you his child.

Colossians 1:16-17
For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together.

Who exactly is this Creator? Well, it is Jesus, who is also called the Living Word of God.

Hebrews 1:3
The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful Word.

Yes, He is "benevolent," because God is love. He does not posses love. He is love. He is light. He is life. He is Holy.

When you live in the presence of this Living God, and when His Word lives in you, you finally understand the meaning of Life. You operate on a supernatural level. You see miracles. You are more than a mere man or woman- you are a loved child of God, who has access to everything good in the universe!

It is all just energy! So fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen - you can see farther that way.

Bless you.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sowing "Good Seed."

I was very pregnant with twins, exhausted from shopping, freezing cold, and ready to get my other tired children home. Paul was driving.

Suddenly, we noticed a woman was blocking traffic with her broken down car. Paul, true to form, jumped out to offer assistance.

"Honey!" I protested. "She already has a cop there to help her."

He leaned back in towards me, "Gina, one day it will be my sweet wife whose car gives her trouble, and I will want to know that someone is there to help you -so I'm sowing good seed!" and off he went with a smile.

As Paul and the officer moved the car out of the street, I marveled at how quickly the job was done. It took less than 3 minutes.

Only a few weeks later, I was coming home from a youth event, when I ran over something in the dark and felt my tire go completely flat. I pulled into a driveway where a woman was in front of her house talking on her cordless phone. I asked if I could use her phone to call my husband.

She smiled and nodded, and signaled that it would only be a minute. In that moment, her husband popped out of the house and changed my tire. He was so fast, I thought he worked for nascar!

He laughed and said, "I own the body shop down the street. I do this a hundred times a day."

When I got home and told Paul about it, he threw his jubilant hand in the air.

"Oh yes!" he exclaimed, "It's because I sowed good seed for that!"

I had to smile. Good seed indeed.

Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Famous Flight of the Bumble Bee

I was thinking about the bumble bee today. I have heard it said many times, that aerodynamically speaking, it is impossible for a bumble bee to fly, and yet it does.

The joy of the internet, is that now one can google such a subject, and read from a dozen physicists argue as to why we now believe a bumble bee can indeed fly. Isn't that a marvel?

There are two lessons there for me:

1. A bumble bee can fly even though his body is big and his wings are small, and he doesn't obey certain laws of aerodynamics.

2. Many scientists can study such a mystery and come up with different laws of physics that supercede certain other ones. Science is always evolving. New answers come through new ways of looking at things.

I find both lessons inspiring. Either way, if the bumble bee quits flapping his wings, or if the scientist quits looking for new answers, motion is halted.

You and I have opportunities every day to find ourselves stuck. Maybe you would like to fly out of an uncomfortable situation. Maybe you would like an answer to a puzzling dilemma.

I am convinced, that if you refuse to quit, anything is possible. Nobody needs to explain the reasons for your success. Only you have the ability to reach inside of yourself and develop the seeds of greatness that God put there.

You can live your dreams, even if the whole world says it can't be done.

The truth is out there.

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." -John 8:32

Friday, May 19, 2006

Lessons from Aladdin

I love to watch Disney's story of Aladdin.

It is a tale of a young orphan who dreams of finding himself in a better place with the woman of his dreams. The woman is of course, the princess.

The real show stealer is the genie, who would like to convince the boy that magic carpets and princely clothes, and mighty elephants are not what make him a prince worthy of the princess. It is his ability to be himself, brave and true.

Because the princess is already true royalty, she has the perception to see that this "street rat" belongs in the palace, despite his humble upbringing. She sees his royal qualities, even when he does not.

In the end, Alladin becomes the prince, not by the power of the genie, but by the power of his selfless love. His character was proven in the face of danger.

Many people see themselves as unworthy street rats, when in reality, they have been called to be royalty, seated in heavenly places.

It is said that you don't know what is inside of a teabag until you put it in hot water. The same can be true of a man or woman. Whether you are a prince or a pauper will be evident when the tough times come your way.

James 1:2-4

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete,(royal) not lacking anything.

1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Baseball Glove

My youngest son's baseball glove had been missing for over a week. We had turned every corner upside down looking for it. In our house, the loss of a beloved glove is quite painful. We are not quick to run out and replace one. It was with sadness that I watched him play his games with a borrowed glove. Who in the world would take such a thing?

Yesterday, happiness filled the home when the glove was returned. While the children played out front climbing the trees, a stranger drove up and hollered out to them. She was someone's mother. She looked at Nathan and asked, "What is your last name?"

"Parris." He answered.

"Did you lose a glove?"


She handed him the treasure, inscribed with his name, and drove off.

I love it when people do the right thing!

This morning, I looked at the dear glove, at home in the family room, cradling a baseball, and I rejoiced again.

Luke 15:8-10
"Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

And again I say, rejoice!


Thursday, May 11, 2006

What do you see?

"A man without a vision is a man without a future. A man without a future is destined to repeat his past."

What is vision? Vision is the ability to look at what is and see what could be! Vision is that creative force that lies within the child of the Creator and designs a better reality.

Every thing that we see and behold with our eyes, existed first in someone's mind. It was vision.

God the Father is a God of vision. He looks at a childless old man named Abram, and calls him a Father of many nations, and it comes to pass.

He looks at a restless, compulsive young man named Simon, and calls him a Rock, and the man affects history.

He looks at you and sees not what you are, but what you can be in him. His reality is greater than your senses.

The best thing you can do for your life, is get in touch with a Vision Statement from Heaven. How? By getting to know the God of the Bible. If you can quit being self- conscious, and instead, be God-inside conscious, you will start to walk out a new vision of who you really are.

You are who He says you are - a royal, faithful, loved, child of the King. You were created to rule and reign in life by Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 29:11
18Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]--blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he.(

Be blessed.


Friday, May 05, 2006

Time is Not Your Master

I decided to write a post this past weekend on "Time," but I ran out of it! Nonetheless, I am boldly proclaiming to you today that time is not your master. Let us stop complaining that we don't have enough time, or that something is taking too long.

Time is a funny substance. Sometimes it "flies" and sometimes it "drags." When I am with certain friends, the time definitely flies, so I refuse to look at my watch when I'm with them. Why be time- conscious during a good thing?

But what about things that take too long?

Some of you have spent much time wondering, "When will my longing be fulfilled? Should I just quit hoping?"

No! Do not throw away your confidence! Build your faith for that desired thing. Expect it - do not be afraid of disappointment. Fearing is the worst thing you could do.

"Fear not. Only believe."

"At the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not faint."

Too many people quit before their miracle manifests because they just get tired of believing, of hoping, of waiting. But not you!

You consider it done. And then wait for it to appear.

Wait? Yes, wait. There is a Hebrew word that we interpret "wait," as in "wait on the Lord." It's the word "chiyl." One meaning of this word is to dance, whirl or twist!

For heaven's sakes, don't wait in agony! Do the dance of expectation! Dance upon the head of time...which tries to tick along to test you! If you are not there yet, there's no condemnation. Just get back into the Word and dwell on the promise that applies to you...until thinking of it causes you to dance and rejoice. Then it is on it's way!

Time is not your master. You will receive.

Carpe diem,


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Gratitude Walk and the Turtle

This morning I went on a walk. This is my daily "gratitude walk." I highly recommend this - for mental and physical fitness.

While I raced along the few miles, I gave thanks for all the beautiful things that I noticed - the freshly cut grass, the honeysuckle and daisies, the blue sky, friendly contractors (who never seem to be working! ) and the three different friends who honked and hollered out my name, reminding me that there are worse things than living in a small town.

And I was cruising along, thinking about all I have to do today, a turtle nearly tripped me. Yes, he was almost crossing the paved walking path. I picked him up and he tucked his head and legs into his shell faster than you could say, "slow and steady." I did not know that turtles make a vacuuming sound when they do that. I must have stressed him.

I stared at his beauty and contemplated bringing him home. He could be my token reminder to slow down. I wondered if he belonged to the orthodontist, from whose multiple acres he was emerging. I considered a phone call:

"Hey Doc? I wondered if I could have this turtle in exchange for the four grand I just dropped on Jordan's already perfect teeth..." That could be fair.

But alas, I carefully placed my beautiful frightened buddy back on the huge lawn, and thought about his pace. Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Today, I take my lesson from the turtle. I will win the race. I will stay peaceful and diligent, and if I get stressed, I'll vacuum!

How about you?

Did you take a gratitude walk today? If so, or even if not...let's hear some things for which you are thankful! You can post right here.



Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Power to Choose

We were created with an amazing free will. The angels long to look into the things available to us, for they were not made in the image of God, were not given the power to choose, and they do not sing the song of the redeemed.

To you God says:

"See, I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live..."

No matter what you are facing today, there is the opportunity to choose life. Death may call out to you in the form of loss, defeat, resentment or struggle, but at any moment, you can choose life. How?

" loving the Lord your God, listening to his voice and holding fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he promised..." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

If you have a promise for something, than refuse to accept anything less than fulfilment of it. For the Lord is your life. If you hide yourself in his love and his power, than death cannot consume you, for He has already conquered death, and Jesus' victory is your victory. Loss cannot overtake you, for abundance is within you.

Stay in faith! Keep faith- filled words on your tongue. Stay thankful! Stay in the precious present. Right now, the Life within you is creating the thing promised.

bless you!


photo by Ann Carrier

Monday, April 24, 2006

Love and Marriage - No Emotion Necessary

For the past 16 years, I have been married to the most attractive man I have ever met. That is a great feeling. What surprises people who know us, is that even in a marriage as wonderful as ours, the "great feelings" come and go!

I was amused last week to realize that both Paul and I have been equally influenced all these years, by the following story. It's a story I've told dozens of times, but I don't remember us ever talking about it. If there is a secret to our success, it lies in this tale:

One day there was a wife who was wickedly angry at her husband. She was hurting bitterly from years of unmet needs, and disappointment in her husband's behavior. She dreamed of ways to get back at him, to make him hurt in return.

Somebody told her about a very old wise man, who sat atop the nearby mountain. Surely he would have a clever idea for her.

At the suggestion, the woman climbed the mountain and found the wise man.

"Sir," she told him. "All I want to do is to cause heartache for my husband. I don't think he even has feelings, but if he does, I want to hurt them!"

"Aaaaah, of course," he responded with great empathy. "I will tell you what to do. For the next 2 months, I want you to just pretend that you actually love him. This is just for a short time, and there is no emotion necessary. Just ask yourself often, 'what actions would I take if I loved him?' and then do those things...then, come back and see me, and I'll tell you what to do to hurt him fiercely."

"Okay," said the bitter wife. "I guess since it is just for a short time, and no emotion is necessary, I can act like I would if I loved him. Oh, boy!"

In the following weeks, she enacted the plan wholeheatedly. She faithfully acted like she was in love with her husband, and then she returned to the sage on the mount, for the rest of the plan.

"So you followed my advice? Good!" said the wise old man. Ready? Here is what you do next. You climb back down that mountain and you just leave your husband. That's it. He will be so shocked after your kind actions, that you will break his heart!"

"leave!" gasped the woman. "I can't leave now!"

"But why not?" he asked.

"Because..." she began, stunned at her own discovery. "...because now, I love him!"

"Aaaaah, yes." smiled the sage. "I suppose you do!" and he said no more.

"For God so loved he gave..." John 3:16

Friday, April 21, 2006


It seems to be the obsession of the industrialized world - GET RICH! Americans seem to be the wealthiest citizens on the planet, and also the most crazed for financial gain.

I work in a business that is especially appealing for its apparent promise of riches. I trade stocks on Wall street. Fortunes are made and lost all the time in the stock market. But you don't have to trade the markets to have financial gains and losses. You just have to live in a world with money.

The question is -why do some people win while others lose? Why do some become rich while others stay broke? It is all in the mindset.

If you are a believer like me, then you have a Father who promises you "the power to create wealth." He is not at all opposed to prosperity. If He were, then heaven would be a ghetto, and it is not. In fact, we are instructed to pray, "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

What is remarkably lacking in heaven, are the two forces that drive men to poverty...even if they somehow attain financial gain. Those forces are Fear, and Greed.

Jesus said, "Watch out for all forms of greed. A mans' life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

Some have taken that to mean that we can't have stuff. The point is that the stuff should not have us!

Freedom from greed was the Master's secret to you for wealth. Greed is born out of fear. A greedy person is the opposite of a prosperous person. She is like that little pauper that we set before the banquet table. She stuffed her face till she was sick, and hoarded food for later, because in her heart, she was poor, afraid that tomorrow would not come with its own provision.

What a sad way to live one's life. What a sad way to trade the markets. What sad way to build a career!

The wealthy or prosperous soul, has no fear of tomorrow, no striving to attain something that is far off. The wealthy soul is always receiving ideas to create more value.

How do you really get rich? Paradoxically, it is by knowing that you already are rich. You become a giver, not a taker, and the value you create, promotes you on every level. Riches flow to the rich! Money is the manifestation of a prosperous soul.

I can see we'll have to spend more time on this later!

3 John 1:2
2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

also see: Deuteronomy 8:18, Matthew 6:10, Luke 12:15

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Growing Up as Royalty

The story is told of a young princess who stood on the castle balcony with her family one day. Thousands of people stood below, cheering the presence of the royal family. This princess would soon be queen.

"Mummy," She asked, "Do all these people belong to me?"

"Of course not, Darling!" her mother laughed, "You belong to all these people!"

Oh, to grow up as royalty! If only the children of God would recognize their own royal blood, instead of living like paupers. There is a marked difference in the mindset of each:

A princess grows up knowing that she is special. She has nothing to prove.

A pauper grows up insecure, fighting to avoid getting hurt.

A princess can serve from her position of honor. She knows she has something to give.

A pauper feels like a slave as she serves, resentfully striving for approval.

A princess grows up knowing that not everyone will love the royal family, but that is their right, not her problem.

A pauper assumes that people look down on her, so she shys away from authentic relationships.

If you put the princess and the pauper in the same room with a banquet table loaded with food, the princess will eat until she is comfortable. Abundance is all she knows.

The pauper will steal and hide food for later, and eat until she is sick, for fear there will be only lack tomorrow.

The truth is that every child of God is a prince or a princess. His kingdom is not of this world, but it supercedes this world! We are called to serve as members of the "royal family," while here on earth. In our heavenly palace, every thing we possibly need for life is available. No resource is ever lacking. We are loved and cherished, and we have something to offer the world - abundant, faith -filled life here, and in the life to come.

The psalmist said it this way:Psalm 37:25
25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

Say this out loud, "I am a princess (or prince) today. I am not a pauper. I am a believer, not a doubter, a giver, not a taker!"

Enjoy the good life!

Monday, April 17, 2006

On Speaking Well of Your Friends

"Gina, if you really knew her, you would like her, I promise. She has a good heart, and she is super loyal."

Those words were spoken to me by my friend, Jen, when we were 16 years old, about a mutual acquaintance. The girl she spoke of drove me nuts. I found her arrogant and offensive, and I really did not like being around her at all. That is, until Jen spoke highly of her.

"Hmm," I pondered, "Well, if you say so, I believe it." So I chose to believe the best about the girl and I treated her kindly.

It was a full TWENTY years later, when I ran into that other girl, Kris, in the mall. I had not seen her since her wedding.

"What are you doing now?" I asked.

"Well, you won't believe it," she replied. "I am a children's minister! I've thought of you often over the years."

"Wow!" Talk about a changed life!

Later, I visited her at work to see the amazing ministry she oversaw. Everything was excellent and beautiful. She had a volunteer staff bigger than most churches.

As she gave me a tour, she excitedly introduced me to other staff members, saying, "You remember my testimony, about the two "real" Christians in my high school? This is Gina. She is one of them!"

My jaw dropped, as I felt like Schmuck- of -the- Year. "You thought I was one of just two 'real' Christians?...I'm in your testimony?"

"Yep, you're part of my testimony!" She affirmed.

I thought of that day when Jen (her other 'real' Christian), spoke so highly of her. Jen's encouraging words caused me to act a little more like Jesus. What if I had kept my ugly opinions instead...and acted on them? What kind of influence would I have had then?

I will never forget the power of those kind words, spoken so long before, by one friend about another.

I hope that the people in my life will always be built up by my words, never cut down...especially when they are not around to defend themselves.

Proverbs 18:21Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Be blessed!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Jesus is Alive!

I suppose I was nearly ten years old the day it hit me. I was getting ready to attend mass with my family like I did every week, except this week was Easter Sunday. The religious babble was meandering through my mind. "Jesus is alive today...Jesus is alive today...Jesus is alive today..."

Suddenly it became revelation to me, no longer a dead, religious idea in my head, but a truth to my heart that forever changed me. I knew that in reality, Jesus, as history points out, came, lived, died, and rose again...and then he never died again!
If he never died again, then indeed, He is alive right now, living for me, with me, in me, and I am in Him, with all the glorious love and power that He displayed in the Gospels.

Some have said for years that he didn't really conquer death, that his disciples stole his body, to fabricate this religion (which turned the world upside down.) I don't know if you know how those disciples all died, but they were brutally tortured to death for their faith. No one does that for a lie.

Still, it wouldn't matter to me, what any unbeliever might say, because for nearly three decades I have had the privilege of living with the reality of a risen redeemer. My life is a testament to his goodness. If I am wrong, then I have lost nothing. I have gained a life worth living - in fact, worth sharing, and beyond that, I have assurance of what waits for me on the "other side!"

Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Lord of Your Breakthrough

1 Chronicles 14:11 *
11 So David and his men went up to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, "As waters break out, God has broken out against my enemies by my hand." So that place was called Baal Perazim. [Lord of the Breakthrough.]
There are times in your life when you just cry out for a "breakthrough!" You feel something needs to change big, where you can finally look at the defeat of your enemies of lack, and fear, and despair.
Well, there is good news today! The Lord of the Breakthrough is here for you. When you trust in him, and decide to do things his way, He can change things in a moment. He is the Lord of the Breakthrough. By His own hand he can open doors that no man can shut. He can shut the mouths of lions. He can bring promotion. He can totally change your perception of reality. He can bring deliverance, healing, restoration. He is More than Enough.
I will praise Him today because of all He is able and willing to do. I rest in the fact that everything I see can change in a moment, but His love endures forever. HE IS THE LORD OF THE BREAKTHROUGH!!

1 Chronicles 14:11 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by
International Bible Society

Saturday, April 08, 2006

After the Storm

Several tornadoes rolled through here last night. Unfortunately they turned out to be deadly in Nashville. Times like these keep us grateful for all the things that really matter in life. This left me thinking about a story of peace:

An artist was comissioned once by a wealthy man to paint a picture that portrayed a sense of peace. The artist worked and painted a beautiful image of a rolling countryside, blue skies and sheep grazing. The painting was rejected. The next painting reflected a calm quiet lake in a beautiful hilltop. Again this piece was rejected. The artist tried several times to portray a peaceful place, but each time, it failed to impress the commissioner.

Finally, in a burst of inspiration, the artist painted a picture of a raging storm upon an ocean. The waves broke onto the beach with a fury, but there, in the midst of the storm, was a small bird, safely waiting out the weather in the cleft of a big rock. Not one of his feathers was blown out of place. He was safe.

"Yes! Yes!" Exclaimed the buyer. "This is what I was looking for." He paid a handsome sum for the marvelous art.

Where do you go for peace when life rages against your house? There is One who is called "The Rock of Ages." He will be your strong tower. You can run to Jesus, hide yourself in His perfect love, and be safe, restored.



Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Thankful Heart

"A thankful heart is a happy heart!" These are the lyrics to a song my children sing very often.
Indeed, gratitude is the healthiest emotion we can possess. Gratitude is the opposite of self-pity - the most destructive emotion we can embrace!

I choose to be thankful. I am thankful to live in the South today, where Spring has already sprung and the sky is sparkling blue. I am thankful for my chores, for it means I have a lovely home to clean. I am thankful for the children's messes, for one day they'll be grown and gone. I am thankful for my friends who stop by and distract me, because it means I am loved and needed.

I am thankful for my challenges, for they make me stronger. I am thankful for baseball, even when it seems to take over our lives! I am thankful for places to go, people to see, and the value that I give and receive from each.

Bless you!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

This is the 6 of us preparing to get on an airplane to move South. The twins spent the whole day saying they couldn't wait to get to Tennessee. As soon as they stepped off of the airplane here, they both grabbed their noses and whined out loud, "OOHHHH IT STINKS IN TENNESSEE!"

When you're used to the fresh pine scent of the Pacific Northwest, the Southern swamp smell here can cause olfactory distress for sure! Still, IT'S BEEN A GOOD PATH FOR US!

The "Good Life" Has Been Prepared for You

Back to the idea of the finished work: You and I were created by God, with a wonderful plan in fact the good life is already prepared for us.

Ephesians 2:10
10For we are God's own handiwork His workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us, taking paths which He prepared ahead of time, that we should walk in them- living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live.

"Living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live!"

I love that phrase. Why don't more people walk in the good life that has already been prearranged? Because:

  • They're not born anew in Christ Jesus or
  • They don't know how to see the path that's available for them or
  • They don't trust themselves to walk in the desires that stir within them

You can trust the desires of your heart if you are putting the right things into your heart. The word "desire" comes from two roots - "de" which means "of," and "sire" which means "father."

So the question should really be: What is giving birth to my desires? Who or what am I hanging around that is having the biggest influence on me? If you are fellowshipping with good company and the Word of God, than your desires give birth to vision. Your vision is the path already prepared. Trust it. Move forward. As you do "your ears will hear a word behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.'"*

Enjoying the Good Life,


* See Isaiah 30:21

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Finished Work

Right now faith sees the thing desired as already finished. When Jesus died on the cross, His last words were "It is finished." What was finished? The work of redemption was finished. People often ask the question, "If there is God, and he is so good, why is there so much suffering in the world?"

There is suffering because sin came into this world in which we were created to rule and reign. Who brought in the sin? Man. What did sin bring - death and suffering, and the lordship of the thief, who comes only to steal, kill and destroy. That's the bad news.

The Gospel is Good News. Jesus Christ was the only man who could pay the price for all the sin...He was sinless. His blood came from the Father, from Heaven, it is eternal. He is all God and all man. When he hung on that cross, he took upon Himself all of the sin of the ages, and all of the wicked consequences of sin - sickness, poverty, shame, death.

Then he descended into hell and paid for it all, and rose again triumphant. He appeared very much alive for over 40 days after that, and said that "all authority in Heaven and Earth" had been given to him, and he delegated it to his followers. He would be their Head, but they would be his body in the earth. Then he went up to heaven in the clouds in front of over 500 people.

Why did he do all of that? He gave himself out of Love. To redeem His precious creation from the curse of the Fall, and the curse of the Law. This was to put His children back into the place of dominion for which they were created...back in fellowship with himself.

How sad that so many today live in the bondage of shortcomings and limiting beliefs. The work is finished. Everything you could ever need is already available for you. The only power the enemy retained was that ability to deceive the creation, and affect their faith.

I choose to believe! According to your faith be it unto you! Right now faith is the substance of things hoped for. Fear is the substance of things dreaded. Both create realities. The things unseen are much more real than what we see with our eyes. Everything we see with our eyes is subject to change. Only some things are eternal. You will be happiest when you focus the majority of your energy on those things that last forever.

Forever yours,

If you have Bible and want to
study what I said, you will do well! Look these up: John 19:30, Hebrews 11:1, Genesis 3, 2Corinthians 4:4, John 10:10, Luke 4:6, Luke 10:19, Ephesians 1

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of energy therapy that I've found very useful for all of my own negative emotions and those of my friends. I first started using EFT over a year ago, when a girl I worked out with mentioned it. She said it helped her be able to finish these grueling workouts. So, I went to this website called and learned all about it. Yep, I can now finish a workout!

Basically, EFT uses energy meridians in our body to interrupt the emotions that trigger inside us with certain thoughts. Since I sometimes use aspirin to interrupt a pain signal, and have used t.e.n.s. units at the Chiropractor (and in childbirth) to interrupt pain signals through use of electricity, this seemed natural to me.

Some Christians might look at a website like emofree, and fear that I have embraced a new age practice, and possibly I will end up demonized. Boy, I hope those same Christians don't ever take tylenol!

I am thankful for my friends who like to "vibrate with the universe" because they sometimes lay hold of some handy truths that have not made it past the walls of religion. E.F.T. is a delightful way to get rid of negative emotions that set themselves up against the reality of the Finished Work.

Check out the site, and get back to me. I'll tell you more about it later. But the really exciting message is indeed in "the Finished Work."

Blessings to you,
