Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


You know that there are less than 100 days left in 2009.

Let's talk about your year- end breakthrough. I am
CONVINCED that your success in your life and livelihood
are determined by -

How CLEAR you are on what you do, followed by how
CLEARLY you communicate the value of that to your

So, let me ask you, "What is it you REALLY DO?"

If you are an athlete, you are in the business of
ENTERTAINING your beloved FANS and giving them
something to cheer about.

If you are a retailer, you are in the business of making
PEOPLE FEEL GREAT about themselves, or helping them
accomplish something that matters to them.

If you are a service provider, you are in the business

If you are a spouse or a parent, you are in the business
of BRINGING OUT GREATNESS in the ones entrusted to you!

Notice in each case, the more you are focused on meeting
the needs of others, the more valuable you become.
The more valuable you become, the more confident you
become. The more confident you become, the more you grow
in your ability to communicate you value!

I happen to be passionate about seeing people blast through
their doubts and fears to lay hold of their God-given potential
and purpose.

What is your passion? What is your business? How can you
connect the two?

There is power in answering those questions. Feel free to
reply to this email and share you answers with me. I WILL

Until next time, you KEEP PLAYING TO WIN, and I'll be right

In your corner,


My new DVD set is now available! Enjoy 2 and a half hours
of a fantastic live workshop: REPACK YOUR BACKPACK-
to Lose the Limits and Live Your Dreams.
You will want to order it today! See more here as you scroll
down my products page
See Gina's Really Cool Products

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Moving from Agony to Victory

Are you old enough to remember the opening footage to the
Wide World of Sports on ABC?

I don't even remember what
they showed as the announcer crooned "The thrill of victory..."

But I sure do remember the snow skiier's wipeout to the words
"...and the agony of defeat!"

How about you? Do you have your own moments of agony?
Of course! All winners do.

You probably know what it's like to put months and years of
effort into a shot at something -and then fail.

The disappointment can be crushing.

The closer the victory, the greater the agony.

The more public the disappointment, the greater the shame.

How do you turn it around?

Since the defeat was both mental and tactical, the solution
is too. Here are four steps that I guarantee can take you to
the other side.

1." Zoom Out"

First of all, step back!

Look at your life with a generous "wide angle" lens.
Create a timeline of your whole life - past, present and
future decades. List important events to come and see
that this event you just endured is only a tiny blip on
the Time Line of your success story.

"This too shall pass" and you can use it to make
yourself stronger.

Perspective is quite a healer of disappointment

2. "Zoom In"

Now take that camera with a close up lens, and "zoom in"
to your most inward, invisible core. See the person that
you are, completely separate from all the external things
that define you.


See the qualities about you that are bigger than your
game. You have infinite Power and Love dwelling inside
of you. You are a million times bigger on the inside than
you are on the outside.

When you nurture the winner inside of yourself, than you
will prevail against the adversaries on the outside.

3. Get Going

Successful people know that the true success comes from
FAILING as quickly as possible, learning from the loss, and
quickly executing with the new wisdom.

The faster you get up and move forward, the faster your
shame becomes part of your glory. Somebody else
needs to see you prevail so they can do it too. Your
success is never just about you.

As you run your race, enjoy each step. There is only power
in the present. Enjoy your breath, the sounds, the sights, the
fragrances of life. Enjoy the people you share it all with.

4. Get Coaching

More than ever, you must invest in yourself.
In times when bad news abounds,
you can NOT reach your peak alone. Look at those who have
created the greatest victories around you. I guarantee they've
had at least one coach.

Whether your sport is athletic, financial or personal, you
need a peak performance coach of your own.

Align yourself with someone who will pull you higher,
bring out your best and hold you accountable to your
own dreams. Find someone with whom you can be completely
honest and vulnerable.

It matters not the caliber of disappointment. You WILL move
from The Agony of Defeat to The Thrill of Victory by quickly
and continually executing these four steps.

Until next time, Keep playing hard - and enjoy your game!

I'm in your corner,


P.S. - Many of the Built To Win Friends have asked me when I
would release Royalty Within Meditation on a CD instead of
just mp3.
Well, that day is now.

If you want the life changing truths about who you REALLY
ARE in Christ, and you want to renew your mind without
struggle, than get this CD and listen to it whenever you are
in your car, or waking up in the morning!

Buy two so you can give one as a gift, and you will save.
(Plus you get an instant mp3 download link as well
when you order the CD.)

You can order it here:

I have put more slots on my calendar for Life Changing Strategy
sessions. If you want to spend 50 minutes with me focusing
your goals and uncovering your obstacles to success, than
please go for it! These sessions are some of my favorite events
and I offer them for a discounted price from my coaching fees.
You can learn more about that here:


Gina Parris is an internationally sought-after
peak performance speaker, coach, and author.
She is the founder of Built To Win Coaching,
Where she equips athletes and entrepreneurs
to skyrocket their authentic success
through mindset mastery and strategic action.
Abundant Life - expressed in your livelihood
(931) 461-7836
Built To Win Coaching

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You're ALREADY Hypnotized

Brian is a professional athlete who made it all the way to the
top of his sport. However, when he got there, he struggled to perform.

Before his competitions, he got so nervous that finally he went
to see a hypnotist, who promised to change him with no effort on his

"Did it work?" I asked.

"I don't know," he replied. "I still got really nervous - probably why I didn't get
put in the game."

What Brian came to realize is that HE WAS ALREADY HYPNOTIZED.

What he needed was someone (namely himself) to DE-HYPNOTIZE
him. What do I mean?

The fact is that all of us are hypnotized on one level or another. That is,we walk
around fulfilling our own B.S.
- belief systems.

When someone is hypnotized on stage and able to lift amazing amounts of weight,
or become incredibly weak, nothing changed about their inherent abilities. The only
thing that was temporarily suspended was their own beliefs and expectations
of outcome.

You ALWAYS ultimately perform according to your internal image
of yourself.

That's why everything that we do in our performance fields as mental coaches,
sports psychologists, or trainers is bent on enlarging your self-image.

Brian had experienced Performance Anxiety for so long that he
saw himself as "the guy who gets nervous." He had a conditioned response
of dreadful expectation, even though he loves his game.

In reality, the fact that Brian got nervous countless times in the past had NOTHING
to do with whether or not he would today.

At any moment he could shift his own self-image to that of a player who is calm
and confident and totally in his element around his sport.

When he made CONFIDENCE AND DESTINY his habit, everything changed.
He went longer and longer between "anxious moments" until he could be calm
under any pressure.

Plus, he learned to diffuse the anxiety when it did come up
by breathing, tapping, and shifting to gratitude.

Here's a step towards that for you:

1. Know that you formed this self image with no struggle on your part. You just
accepted certain ideas and they became conditioned.

2. As you learn to relax now, you can create a new mental movie of how you want
to perform under pressure.

3. Practice settling down, breathing deeply and just creating your own mental movie
every day for 15 minutes a day at least. Do this for 21 days.

Here's some tips for your mental movie:

a. See yourself as if you were watching on a theater screen and you were in the audience.

b. Then move to the character. Become that person and see everything from that perspective.

c. Always speak in line with your image. In other words, don't create this great movie and
then get all negative. If you do have conflicting emotions, than do our three steps that we
always talk about regarding negative emotions.

Acknowledge them, accept yourself anyway, and create an empowering choice.

Anxiety is no big deal! It DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING, accept that you have some
habitual emotion that you are ready to shift.

You are in control.

You can do this!

Now, go play - first in your mind, than in your game. Failure is not an option.

"What if I lose?" I'll answer that next time.

Until then,

Keep playing to win and enjoy your game.

In your corner,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Goal Achievement - It all comes down to this...

I was thinking this week about this young guy named Kurt.

It was the wee hours in the morning when Kurt was carefully
placing canned goods on the grocery store shelves. His day
job didn't quite pay the bills, so he worked at the store at night.

As he worked, he thought about his dreams and his goals,
and once in awhile he shared them with his coworkers.

Finally one of them said, "Kurt, dude, it's time for you to get a new dream!"

Thankfully Kurt Warner didn't listen. Five years later he seemed to be an
"overnight wonder" when he was named Superbowl Champion and League
MVP as his St. Louis Rams defeated the Tennessee Titans.

Of course this season, 10 years later, he proved he is still a player.

The lesson? Never listen to people who are too small to dream
big themselves. All that matters is what YOU say and know
about yourself.

Here's what I know for sure...

EVERYBODY basically wants to know if they are "good enough" to
achieve their goals.

You may think you are the only one with certain questions.

The fact is, someone else is also asking...

"Am I worthy?"
"Can I do it?"
"What if I fail?"
"What if I get hurt?"

Is there a way to confidently answer all those questions?
Yes, I believe there is.

In decades of studying and working with winners, losers and
other kinds of players, I have found one underlying truth:

Your level of success is 100% related to the way you see
that person in the mirror.

All mental conditioning, sports psychology, self-help, and even
true ministry works to perfect this one thing-

Your Self Image

Your performance will never consistently outperform the
way you see yourself.

We have thought that self-image comes about as a result of
aptitude, but closer study reveals that aptitude is a result
of one's self image.

If you think you are made to be the league MVP, than you
will ultimately find a way to get there. If you doubt it at the
same time, than you may make poor decisions and get there
illegally. Eventually your position will correctly match your
internal image.

This is true whether you're talking about your weight, your
income, your relationships, or your sport. What you see on
the outside is a reflection of how you see yourself on the inside.

So, what is a person to do? Instead of fighting yourself, you
can grow into your vision. Here are some steps to make it

1. Create a crystal clear target. You want to know exactly
what you look like and feel like when you have achieved your desire.

Create a target that includes all of your senses, and as much
description as possible. Let it be something that on a scale of
1-10 gives you a 10 in pleasure and stretches you in believability.

In our SCORE guide, I ask you to write this target down. I call
it your vision.

2. Surround yourself with people who have done it -people who play
better than you.

It always amazes me how poor performers choose to feel better about

themselves by associating with people weaker than themselves.

Do what you can to spend time with and study from a distance,
people who have completely kicked butt in your field. Study
them so thoroughly that in your mind you could sit down and

have a conversation with them and actually learn something that
you didn't know before the daydream.

Is that possible? Of course. You become like the company you
keep. Or as I always say,

"You become what you behold."

3. Practice your own mental movie of your success story.

For at least 15 minutes a day, take some time to slow down,
breathe deeply, focusing only the present moment.

Then watch yourself as if you were in the audience and your
story was on the big screen. Watch every detail of your winning
performance. Perhaps it is winning an award. Perhaps it is
making the perfect presentation and closing a big sale. Perhaps
it is just enjoying every day life in the perfect state of health
and abundance.

Make one movie; and watch it again and again.

Then move from the audience to on the screen. See it from the
eyes of the performer.

4. Ask empowering questions.

When you get comfortable with your mind movie, ask yourself,
"How can this happen in the way that is best for every body involved?"

Or "What can I do today to move me closer to this vision?"

Or even,

"How did I find it so fun and easy to make this dream come true?"

You will find that when you ask the right questions, you will get the
right answers.

5. Practice Gratitude.

Finally remember this:

You probably are eager for the finished goal because of the feeling
you will have once you get there. Remarkably, you can choose to
enjoy that feeling right now. There is no reason to wait.

Anytime you feel anxious or doubtful about your journey, let that
be a trigger for you to get back to a place of gratitude.

Just start saying Thank You for all the great things you have right
now - Big Things and Little Things. There is no healthier emotion
than gratitude.

And now, I want to express my gratitude to YOU.

You are a reason that I get out of bed in the morning. I am so
excited for your success and your potential. Today is a new day,
and this is a new hour. Not one single limit is placed on you
by yesterday's experience.

If you have not downloaded your F R^ E E action guide to
guarantee your winning season, than do it now.

Then print it off and take a week to fill in the answers.
If you joined this list before we had the seven day
mini-course, than by all means, join again. You won't
get duplicate emails.

If you are in business or competing as an athlete
than click here:

If you are a market trader than use this action
guide right here:

Can you do the impossible? Sure - with enough
time, with enough preparation, and with crystal
clear confidence.

Until then, keep playing hard, enjoy your game
and strengthen the winner in you.

I'll be right here ...

In your corner,

PS - If you want to work on your own Self-Image and
uncover any blocks that are slowing you down, than
look into a strategy session with me. It will be the best
investment you can make in yourself, and you can
try it out at a rate that is much lower than my regular
fees. Here is a link to learn more:


If you would like to quit spinning your
wheels and finally experience true breakthrough
in your life and business, than please visit: for your

Gina Parris is an internationally sought-after
peak performance speaker, coach, and author.
She is the founder of Built To Win Coaching,
Where she equips business owners and
solo-preneurs to skyrocket their authentic
success through mindset mastery and strategic action.
Abundant Life - expressed in your livelihood
(931) 461-7836

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Another FREE audio for you - and a question...

What an awesome week of victories and defeats!
Football! Ultimate Fighting! Basketball playoffs!
I love it all - the fighting most of all - who knew? And who didn't love watching Georges St. Pierre beat the pants off of BJ Penn? I couldn't even find anyone to bet against me at the sports club.

But again, the real lessons were "Beneath the Surface,"
to quote the title of Micheal Phelp's first book.

Speaking of Micheal...What was he thinking?
Now the photos of him are plastered everywhere
as he is smoking pot from a bong (looking like quite
a pro at it) His fans were forgiving after his DUI,
but on this one, he lost a lot of them.

Love and respect your fans - when they're not around.




And even if you're famous for what you do, people
want to believe in who you are.

The real hero of the week?

Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger -

Oh, not just because of his miraculous crash landing
on the Hudson River a few weeks ago, where his
cool head saved at least a hundred and fifty lives.

No, that was too public.

His hero award today?

He gets the award because through the chaos of
the crash landing, he lost his library book in the
plane cockpit.

Because of this, when no one was looking, he called
the library to inform them of the lost book and ask
for a waiver of late fees.

Um, he really didn't have to do that, but he did
because it was the "right thing."

What was the book about?

Professional ethics.

He probably could have written the book.

What made him a hero when the pressure was on
to crash-splash land an airplane? His character.

Lots of "winners" have the talent to take them
where their character can't keep them.

Not you. You have both - talent and character.

Be who you want to be - when no one is looking.

God sees everything - and...

The Game Knows.

Here's an audio about the Five Steps that make
you a real winner.

I'm sharing with a crowd of firefighters and cops -
so it's a fairly intimate setting with some of my
favorite heroes.

You can download it here:

Or you can just listen through your computer right here:

I'll see you again next week. I am thankful for all our
new readers. Let me know how I can serve and support

Remember that you were made to win - so keep playing
hard, and enjoy your game!

In your corner,

PS - If you don't know how to keep your cool under
pressure - than learn the secrets in Flow On Demand-
The Athlete's Edge. The same techniques that work
for professional athletes under fire, will work for you
too - whatever your game. You can get it here:

Coming up:
I know a majority of my readers on this list are testosterone- driven men who
cannot for the life of them relate to the romance project I'm releasing in the
next two weeks.

However, if you are married, than you will be really happy if your wife gets
a hold of it, (although I'm sure she wants you all the time...)
so please find a way to share it with her, and her girlfriends.
I'll keep you posted.


If you would like to quit spinning your
wheels and finally experience true breakthrough
in your life and business, than please visit: for your

Gina Parris is an internationally sought-after
peak performance speaker, coach, and author.
She is the founder of Built To Win Coaching,
Where she equips business owners and
solo-preneurs to skyrocket their authentic
success through mindset mastery and strategic action.
Abundant Life - expressed in your livelihood
(931) 461-7836

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Greatest Secret in the World #2 - Make Love...

Of all the success books that I have on my shelves and that I have read over the last 20 years, nothing has impacted my life, who I am, and how I do business, like this chapter in this book. I will read just a small part of it. I hope you like it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Greatest Secret In The World #1 - Habits

In 1983, I studied this book by Og Mandino and it set the course of my life for success. It is my oldest and dearest "Success Book" (Besides the Bible) and the secrets revealed here will make your success inevitable!

Friday, January 09, 2009

How To Triple Your Income in Down Market

Karen sniffed as she pondered one of the questions. She felt
the tears rise up and finally she wept. There were so many people
whom she loved dearly; so many people who loved her back. But
they all had differing opinions about the areas that touched her
life - especially about finances.

Around some loved ones, she felt guilty for making money. Around
others she felt ashamed for not making more.

These feelings were subtle too -something she'd never really thought
about, but they had a direct affect on her results.

Can you relate?

Within a few months however, Karen was able to completely shift
the way she saw herself, her career and her contribution. Among
other results, she more than TRIPLED HER INCOME even though
she is a real estate agent in the so-called worst housing market
in decades.

Here's part of a letter she wrote me.

Imagine yourself writing a joyful letter in the months to come...


Wow, I just had my annual performance review with my Broker
today, going over last year's goals and achievements as well as
setting goals for 2009.

It was amazing to see everything in black and white:
I tripled the number of closings that I had in 2007, tripled
my sales volume and more than tripled my income this year! I also
added 50 people to my sphere of influence.

Considering the state of the economy and the media portrayal of
the housing market, this is truly astonishing.

You really helped me to clarify my "real values" in order to help me set
meaningful goals for myself. My outlook is so much more positive, and
I know at least three things that I didn't know before working with you:

1) It's not "what" I do that matters it's "why" I do it.
2) I truly can do anything I set my "heart" on. There are no physical
limitations, it's all energy!
3)"A rising tide lifts all boats".

Thank you for an amazing turn around in my career and personal life.
You are uniquely gifted to do what you do.


Karen Tibbals
Century 21 Mid-State Realty, LLC "

Great job Karen!!

So today may you remember those same lessons can lift you up
as well!

-Find Your "WHY!"

-Remember it's all energy - there are no limits!

-Your success brings MORE success to everybody around you,
so go for it!

As you do, I'll be here - CHEERING YOU ON!

In your corner,

P.S. -
week. Here's how:

Go to this link
and when you order, there will be a place for
a coupon code: NEW YEAR

When you type NEW YEAR in the coupon code, it will take
off the $79 dollars and you can meet with me and take steps
towards your own success story.

You are worth it!


I am creating a wonderful new product which is distinctly
FEMININE in its target. (Yes, it's all about S-E-X and

Romance) so please forward this letter to your girlfriends and
have them get on my list. You won't want to miss any of it.

Bless you!