Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Get What You Want - Be Thankful

So, we are continuing our series on how to get what you really want.

There is nothing I love more than seeing supernatural success take over our mediocre circumstances. This is the place where you can't help but smile, and shake your head at the goodness of God.

What is the single biggest key to laying hold of the supernatural success? Well, after clearly seeing it with your imagination, the secret is to jump for joy with gratitude - before you see it with your physical eyes. Be grateful for the promise, and do not doubt.

Several years ago, Paul had a great job with a beautiful broadband company in Spokane, Wa.
At that time I heard a specific word from God in my spirit. "A famine is coming to this land, but don't worry. I will take care of you. Do not go get a job when it happens."

Oh boy. I was so excited to see what this meant. At the time I was staying home with our four little kids, and the finances, were a little tight, so I was sure it meant that Paul would get a promotion.

Instead, he got laid off. (this was shortly after 9/11 - Thanksgiving time.) Woo hoo! We both had faith, that promotion would come quickly.

The first month went by, what a time of amazing refreshing. But no new job. How strange. But we were thankful for what was coming!

The second month - same thing. Thank you! How strange that I was not to go work.

The third month - now, this seemed like an unfair vacation.

The fourth month - where in the world was the money coming from - we didn't know, but we hadn't lacked - not even through Christmas. Thank you!

The fifth month - we kept giving, and kept seeing supernatural provision. We were thankful.

The sixth month - this was amazing - having Paul home to help with the toddlers was a dream come true to me!

The seventh month - it began to feel like our 'vacation' was winding down. The anticipation was still building.

The eighth month - we kept rejoicing in the job to come, in the salary that would be at least a 20% raise, and finally...

Paul was hired by the company in Spokane that still employs him down here in Tennessee.
We were thankful!

Now, neither of us would have dreamed that we would have gone 8 months without a paycheck. The media was abuzz with the fact that there were no "family wage jobs," in Spokane." This made us all the more excited to see a miracle.

The idea that God would fail us was absolutely unthinkable. We had such a special grace for this time.

If it makes you feel any better, the day before Paul's new employer called, he did feel a crack in his faith! He slammed his Bible shut and hollered "It's not working. It shouldn't take this long!" Still I was able to stay strong for him, as he would for me in the next test we faced.

lesson - find someone to stand with you!

In the end, we enjoyed eight months together during a very special time in our children's lives. We never failed to give away ten percent of our little income, never paid a bill late, never went without a good meal, and we did not incur any debt. Paul's new job brought the 20% increase we were expecting. (yes, now we believe bigger.)

Several months later when we did our taxes, we looked at the numbers and I shook like a leaf. It was then that I felt a sickening wash of fear.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped "We were poor!"

By then, it was funny.

Now I know that money is just energy. It is spiritual. It comes in response to faith and gratitude, as does every good thing.

Today, our annual income is several times more than our "poor" year, but looking back, that may have been one of our richest seasons ever.

What is it you are believing for? Do you have a promise for it at all? If so, rejoice in the promise, forget about the problem, and you will see miracles.

Finish this sentence as specifically as possible, and then look at it constantly:

"I am SO happy and thankful now for..."

Put all the wonderful things you enjoy - past, present and future - and declare them all in present tense.

When it puts the smile on your face - you know you are in the right place to receive.

Until next time,


Phil 4:6 (New Life Version)
6 Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Facing Obstacles on the Journey

We've been talking about my mission to see you ENJOY your life and live it On Purpose. We talked about how important it is to be very specific about what exactly you want, and we talked about asking the right questions.

So, what about when you are faced with obstacles? What should you do with those big, insurmountable, highly stressful, events that seem to throw you off course and steal your joy?


The obstacles that come against us seem bigger than they are. They seem insurmountable when they are not. They do not have to throw us off course, and they certainly do not have to stress us out and steal our joy. There is ALWAYS a way to get where we need to go.

Keep your eyes fixed on the final outcome. Where are you headed? More importantly - how will you feel when you get there? As much as possible, hold to that feeling now. Of course you will get there, and when you do, it would be a shame to have wasted so much time and energy feeling terrible along the way.

As I type this, my fifteen year old son is en route to Honolulu from Tennessee - by himself, to play baseball with a team of players that he doesn't know. He and another team mate whom he just met, have been re-routed to several different airports for one canceled flight after another. Their luggage is headed to the wrong city. They have had very little sleep, and multiple opportunities to panic throughout the past eight hours. At one point, it looked like they might have to spend the night in Dallas.

Now that is an obstacle on a journey!

Through the myriad of phone calls and text messages one thing is clear. He and his new buddy have managed to stay calm, as they find a way to get there. They just ate, and they are actually enjoying themselves. They are looking forward to getting to Hawaii.

How are they managing that? They have each other.

I can imagine that if Jordan were facing all of these issues by himself, he would be nearing emotional meltdown. It is amazing the power of just one friend, who also knows better than to panic.


1. Stay focused on the end goal
2. Keep your emotions in check
3. Ask for help from people who know what they're doing
4. Pick team mates who are positive

Obstacles come against everybody. We don't all face the same obstacles on the same journeys, but we all can use them as opportunities to learn something that we didn't know before.

I have faith in you. Whatever it is that you are dealing with - it is smaller than you. You are bigger than you look, stronger than you feel, and there is ALWAYS a way to get where you want to go. So do not panic. Stay in a place of faith.

I'll be here, cheering you on.

Until next time - Keep playing hard, and enjoy your game!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Power of Questions to Get What You Want

Remember when you were little? You probably drove the adults around you nuts by asking, "Why?" all the time. You were naturally curious, and you were learning at an astonishing rate. During your first four years of life, you learned more than most college students learn in four years of university study. In fact, you learned ideas that shaped your life - ideas about money, relationships, and your self.

Today, I want to encourage you to return to your curious nature. Ask more questions! In fact,
I really want your input today. I am asking you - what is the greatest question you have about
achieving your dreams, or creating wealth, or overcoming obstacles?

I am convinced that if we ask the right questions, we will discover the "right" answers.

Some people only ask un-empowering questions like:
"Why do bad things always happen to me?"
"What is wrong with me?"
"Why are people so stupid?"

These might be honest enough questions, but you will find greater power in asking more specific
questions like:

"How might I overcome my doubts about this project?"
"What must I do differently right now to achieve the result I want?"
"How might I influence my team to unleash their true potential?"

Often I step into the future when dealing with a problem, and I ask from there:
"How did I turn that around so powerfully?"
"How did I create so much freedom in my schedule?"
"How did I quit feeling so stressed-out all the time?"

Your mind is incredibly powerful. It will absolutely seek out the answers to the questions you pose.

Today, please let me know what questions you are asking. If you have any questions about
the Five Steps to Guarantee Your Victory - feel free to ask me those too.

I am committed to your success, and I'm working on some programs that you can study at

Until next time, keep playing hard, keep the questions coming, and enjoy your game!

In your corner,


Monday, June 02, 2008

How to get what you REALLY want

This is it.

After several conversations in a row with people who are struggling along in life, I am on a mission. It is a mission to see you ENJOY your life - and LIVE it ON PURPOSE.

I'm going to start with a posting every Tuesday for a while about How to Get What You Really Want. Much of what I say may not be new, but I pray you'll hear it in a new way, and be able to take some action to seize something precious that has been eluding you.

Take these ideas and apply them to whatever area resonates with you. It can be business, relationships, or your health and fitness. Whatever area - these steps are the same.

Step ONE -
Know what you REALLY want.

This seems obvious, but most people don't even know what excites them. They don't have a clear image of what they want in their career, in their business, in their home life, in their health, in their stuff.

This is why in the SCORE! guide - I encourage you to take a long time on step one. Spell out your vision.

A very important law here is the law of specificity. This means that you must be crystal clear on what you want. I'll give you an example from one of the first times I began getting specific with my desires.

I was 17, and tired of selling men's suits. (actually, I got that job this same way, but by now, I was ready for something new.) So, I started thinking and I wrote the following things down:
1. Work outside
2. Work full-time
3. Be done working by 4:30 each day
4. Get to wear comfortable clothes
5. Make more than I'm making now

So, then I started asking:
What jobs might fit this description?

Finally, I got an idea - I could work for the parks department in the summer kid's day- camp program. Perfect! And how fun. I was perfect for the job.

However, I didn't get hired. I couldn't believe it. Did they NOT read my application and see how perfect I was for this? I'd been tutoring kids and developing programs since the eighth grade! But alas, this job would have only paid minimum wage.

Instead within the week, I was hired by the school district to be a non-union gardener. "Gardener," mind you was a generous term for "lawn-mower," but the job suited me just fine.

I ended up getting to...
1. Work outside (when we weren't driving around trying to cram 4 hours of work into an eight hour day)

2. Work forty hours a week (and not a moment more - most of the crew WERE union members)

3. Get done each day by 3 pm

4. Wear jeans and "sneakers"

5. Make double what I made selling suits

So, I was a happy laborer. In fact, that summer I spent each day listening to motivational teaching tapes as I mowed the lawns, and this had a great impact on the direction of my life.

I have practiced this law of specificity on just about everything since then, from that Cutie -Pie that I would marry, to the homes that we would live in - and it has always worked.

Yes, there is more to it, but that is the imperative first step.

So, now it is your turn. What are you believing for right now? Get specific. Let me know about it. It thrills my heart to be able to believe with you.

Until next time - Get out that paper - and get writing!

Next Tuesday I'll tell you the next step!

Hint - it rhymes with Relieve....

Let me know how I can help you.
