How to Get What You Want - Be Thankful
So, we are continuing our series on how to get what you really want.
There is nothing I love more than seeing supernatural success take over our mediocre circumstances. This is the place where you can't help but smile, and shake your head at the goodness of God.
What is the single biggest key to laying hold of the supernatural success? Well, after clearly seeing it with your imagination, the secret is to jump for joy with gratitude - before you see it with your physical eyes. Be grateful for the promise, and do not doubt.
Several years ago, Paul had a great job with a beautiful broadband company in Spokane, Wa.
At that time I heard a specific word from God in my spirit. "A famine is coming to this land, but don't worry. I will take care of you. Do not go get a job when it happens."
Oh boy. I was so excited to see what this meant. At the time I was staying home with our four little kids, and the finances, were a little tight, so I was sure it meant that Paul would get a promotion.
Instead, he got laid off. (this was shortly after 9/11 - Thanksgiving time.) Woo hoo! We both had faith, that promotion would come quickly.
The first month went by, what a time of amazing refreshing. But no new job. How strange. But we were thankful for what was coming!
The second month - same thing. Thank you! How strange that I was not to go work.
The third month - now, this seemed like an unfair vacation.
The fourth month - where in the world was the money coming from - we didn't know, but we hadn't lacked - not even through Christmas. Thank you!
The fifth month - we kept giving, and kept seeing supernatural provision. We were thankful.
The sixth month - this was amazing - having Paul home to help with the toddlers was a dream come true to me!
The seventh month - it began to feel like our 'vacation' was winding down. The anticipation was still building.
The eighth month - we kept rejoicing in the job to come, in the salary that would be at least a 20% raise, and finally...
Paul was hired by the company in Spokane that still employs him down here in Tennessee.
We were thankful!
Now, neither of us would have dreamed that we would have gone 8 months without a paycheck. The media was abuzz with the fact that there were no "family wage jobs," in Spokane." This made us all the more excited to see a miracle.
The idea that God would fail us was absolutely unthinkable. We had such a special grace for this time.
If it makes you feel any better, the day before Paul's new employer called, he did feel a crack in his faith! He slammed his Bible shut and hollered "It's not working. It shouldn't take this long!" Still I was able to stay strong for him, as he would for me in the next test we faced.
lesson - find someone to stand with you!
In the end, we enjoyed eight months together during a very special time in our children's lives. We never failed to give away ten percent of our little income, never paid a bill late, never went without a good meal, and we did not incur any debt. Paul's new job brought the 20% increase we were expecting. (yes, now we believe bigger.)
Several months later when we did our taxes, we looked at the numbers and I shook like a leaf. It was then that I felt a sickening wash of fear.
"Oh my gosh," I gasped "We were poor!"
By then, it was funny.
Now I know that money is just energy. It is spiritual. It comes in response to faith and gratitude, as does every good thing.
Today, our annual income is several times more than our "poor" year, but looking back, that may have been one of our richest seasons ever.
What is it you are believing for? Do you have a promise for it at all? If so, rejoice in the promise, forget about the problem, and you will see miracles.
Finish this sentence as specifically as possible, and then look at it constantly:
"I am SO happy and thankful now for..."
Put all the wonderful things you enjoy - past, present and future - and declare them all in present tense.
When it puts the smile on your face - you know you are in the right place to receive.
Until next time,
Phil 4:6 (New Life Version)
6 Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need.