Focus on the Fun in Your "Game."
Last Sunday my oldest son asked me to drive him to the baseball field to meet most of his High School teammates. (Unlike the others, he's too young to drive.)
"Mom, twelve of us are meeting at the Little League Field to play tennis ball baseball - can you drive me up there?"
The request made me laugh.
"You mean on your only day off from baseball, you want to play baseball?"
I thought of all the times that these boys battle horrible weather, endure extra long practices, and the many school nights that they get home close to midnight. Yet, today, they would be giants on a Little League Field, with no coaches to yell at them as they played purely for (gasp) fun!
With a broad smile he replied, "Exactly!"
It was a heartwarming sight, and a much needed break from what sometimes feels like baseball tedium.
What is the game that you are playing today? Has it lost any of its youthful exuberance? Do you find yourself trudging through the motions?
If so, I encourage you to close your eyes and remember a time when it was fresh and new. Remember former victories and celebrate them again. If possible, shake up the routine a little, get out the "tennis balls," and do something in a different way.
Each moment is precious, so you might want to tune in with all your senses, and focus on the fun in your game once again. Who knows, you just might hit a home run.
Until next time - keep playing hard,
and enjoy your game!