Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Thanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving was this week. My little family sat around the table thinking of all our favorite Thanksgiving days. Paul and I remembered Thanksgiving of '90, when we left Spokane for Germany. I remember my sister Susan, getting up early to join my parents in seeing us off at the airport.

We had a 24 hour layover in St. Louis, and since it was Thanksgiving day, we felt especially lonely there. We both cried in our strange hotel. Then we got up and went downstairs to the hotel restaurant. There was the most beautiful Thankgiving meal buffet, with linen tablecloths and real china and silverwear on the tables. Amazingly, we felt all better after eating! That was the first time I understood the term "comfort food!"

I also remember Thanksgiving days in different cities, enjoying the holiday with friends that were also away from family members.

I remember one special Thanksgiving meal in Spokane, with my dearest neighbors. Their family was from Pakistan, so my sister and I made them a full Thanksgiving meal at our house. Of course next to that tasty Middle Eastern food, our meal is bland and boring, but our guests were so gracious. They were also dressed in the most beautiful outfits, and I realized after I sat at the table, that I had not even remembered to change my clothes. There I was, eating in my home-maker uniform - sweats! Oh dear...why didn't Paul say something? In fact, I think I'm wearing the exact same sweatshirt, right now as I type this!

What dear friends, and how I miss them. Shaista, if you're out there, I sure wish you lived next door to me now! My prayers are with your precious Mama and your brothers too.

This Thanksgiving was quieter than I would have liked, but I will never get tired of a whole day devoted to an attitude of gratitude. I have so much to appreciate, that sometimes, the blessings leave me overwhelmed with God's goodness.

When I asked my kids what they're all grateful for, Kristan looked at me and cut right to the chase. "You mom. We're all thankful for you!"

That smarty-pants. She just wanted me to laugh...and pass her more turkey. It worked.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 13, 2006

The Problem - or the Promiser?

It has been said that struggling people often focus on their problems, while successful people focus on the solutions. I totally believe this. You could also say it this way, "You can either choose to focus on the problem, or on the promise."

A shortcoming of most people, is they are unaware of many promises. They spend little time in the Promise book, where their faith could be built up.

The easiest way I have found to receive a promise is to focus on The Promise-er! I love to read the Word, and sing songs about the Character of my Heavenly Father.

Abraham knew this secret. "By faith Abraham, even though he was past age, and Sarah herself was barren- was enabled to become a father, because he considered Him faithful who had made the promise." *

My very favorite attribute of God is his faithfulness. I was raised by some Pastors who must have said it to me hundreds of times, "God is faithful!"

One time my husband, Paul, was laid off work for 8 months. It turned out to be the most peaceful, precious, supernaturally provided-for time of our lives together. Why? Probably because night and day, my mind was racked with talk and thoughts of how Faith-ful God is. The thought that he might leave us to "go under" was unthinkable. It honestly did not cross my mind. Instead, I was excited to see what He had in mind.

Faithful, faithful, full of faith, unwavering, true...I can just think on that word and get happy! Hanging around a Father like that will naturally fill you with faith of your own. It's not something you strive for. It's just his DNA, manifesting in you, his child.

Then you understand the meaning of this: "Have the faith of God," Jesus answered. "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."*

Whew! We'll talk about forgiveness next time. But for now, understand, having the "God-kind" of faith, is an effortless biproduct of fellowship with the Faithful one.

Today, as always, there may be a few problems, nagging for my attention. But I only have time for the Promise-er. How about you?

Enjoy the journey!

* See Romans 11:11, *Mark 11:22-25

Friday, November 03, 2006

Your Future is Not Dictated by Your Past

I have friends who are have had a hard life. Does it ever get any better? Yes. It can.

I love Timone and Pumba from the Lion King. They had wise words for poor Simba, whose past included some tradgedy, for sure. Simba's future didn't look very bright.

With a flourishing song and dance, Timone and Pumba encouraged the young lion. "That's why it's important to put your behind in your past!"

What good advice from some animated creatures.

Why do we dwell on the past? The good life is yours right now. If you open your heart to a spirit of gratitude instead of a spirit of dispair, you will find find your future is so bright, that you need sunglasses! How do you create a bright, wonderful future? The same way you create a bright, wonderful present - by giving voice to it.

Your words create your reality. Why? Because they affect the way you believe. Try saying some things right now.

"Right now I am blessed and not cursed."

"Right now I have more than enough!"

"My needs are met and I'm out of debt, and there's plenty today to give some away!"

"Today is the best day of my life."

"My future is brighter than my past!"

Keep it up. Your destiny is in your hands...and in your heart...and in your mouth!

Romans 10:10
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.