One day an acquaintance suggested some videos on this revolutionary "energy therapy" called Emotional Freedom Technique, which was refined by a Stanford trained engineer named Gary Craig. She told me that she was able to get through our grueling workouts due to this technique, and it helped her with all kinds of performance issues as well. So I ordered the first 13 hours of videos and eagerly watched the first one. As I watched, I thought it was so rediculous that I put it on the shelf and shared it with no one.
The idea is that all matter, including our bodies, is made up of energy, and all negative emotion is caused by a disruption in our energy system. So...we combine what we know about Western science and mix it with Eastern acupuncture meridians and perform a kind of "emotional acupuncture" on ourselves. We do this by tapping on these energy targets on our face and hands, while mentally tuning in to our distressing emotion or pain. As we do, the distressing thought loses its power to affect us any more. Absurd! ...Absurd?
Later one day while I was showering, I thought about the technique, and completed a "full round" on an issue that had bothered me for 15 years. Instantly, my life was changed in that area, and I couldn't believe it. I took the videos off the shelf, watched the other 12 hours (and then dozens more) and became a serious student of the subject. Soon, I started sharing it with my family and friends and then my coaching clients. The results were almost always amazing, and when they weren't, I went on a quest to find out why not. I have seen phobias cleared, athletes amazed, and limiting beliefs eliminated. This often results in weight loss for the overweight, freedom for the addicted, prosperity for the financially challenged, and peace for the distressed.
I have since learned so much about how our bodies and soul work, and I now love using EFT to help people get over all kinds of troubling issues where traditional therapy has failed. I even love using it with my Christian friends who have had a hard time walking in the reality of Biblical promises.
When you have unconscious, (or soulish) emotions that are contrary to the Truth, than your body or physical reality will line up with your soul, even if you try to "be positive." One way to renew that soul is to flood it with Truth. However, I have found that it is much faster to simply clear the conflicting emotion first, THEN install the Truth. Result - a desired state in response to a formerly distressing trigger. This can take place in moments! (or sometimes longer)
In an EFT workshop, we are able to identify those emotions and the beliefs behind them, and literally "tap away" their power. In their place, we choose the emotion or state that we desire. In the end, most participants discover that they are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made! They walk away with a new lasting freedom, and with a tool to help them any time they discover a feeling of distress.
I asked the Lord if this was a strange practice from a Kingdom perspective. He assured me that it is no stranger than an MD explaining to a Christian a proper view of nutrition. I am thrilled to be able to offer Emotional Freedom Technique to all who are open.
If the Son has made you free, then you are free indeed. It's time to put our spirit and soul and body into a place of perfect unity, that we all may be whole!
For more info you can check out Gary Craig's website at www.emofree.com
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