Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther

Climb Higher - You"ll See Farther
photo by Tom Uhlman

Monday, August 28, 2006

Honoring Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Now that I live in Tennessee, I have become more familiar with the country music culture. My favorite quality of these current superstars is their undying reverence for those who have gone before them. Even though the modern songs sound different from the music of the older Grand Ole Opry stars, those musical forefathers hold a place of honor.

Did you know that you and I can benefit from looking at our own families and honoring those who have gone before us? The Bible tells us that honoring our father and mother is the first commandment with a promise of prosperity and long life.* I believe this goes beyond just one's immediate parents, and extends to honoring your forefathers as well.

We may have forefathers (and mothers) who were not perfect, and who had certain failings, but their hope was that things would be better for us. Have you honored them for doing the best they knew? I believe there is a place in that unseen realm where time and space do not exist. We can close our eyes and go to that place, and turn around and literally bless those of our blood line who went before us. In our blessing we can forgive them for their shortcomings, and release a measure of righteousness upon them.

It is interesting to note that one way that God manifests this blessing on them is to pour out on their offspring the "double portion" of blessing. They are actually vidicated by your success and prosperity. You may think that your inheritance from them was worthless, but the original plan said "A good man lays up a treasure for his children's children."* Perhaps they were not able to lay hold of that themselves, due to lack of understanding, but their inheritance is still available, flowing in your veins. Why is it that we are often more aware of any generational curses than blessings?

I have begun to walk in a new level of prosperity since blessing my forefathers, including those of my husband. We will honor them by faithfully handling all of the goodness that comes our way. We will fulfill our divine destiny. Something in that blessing has altered our DNA for good.

* See Ephesians 6:1-3
* See Proverbs 13:22
Isaiah 61:9
And their offspring shall be known among the nations and their descendants among the peoples. All who see them [in their prosperity] will recognize and acknowledge that they are the people whom the Lord has blessed.

Monday, August 21, 2006

They Might Not Like You!

I was reminded of a conversation I had with a mom when I was 14 years old. We had just met this family and they invited my whole family to their home for dinner. I was excited because they had some kids close to our ages. I was enjoying the evening very much when this Mom said to me,
"Gina, you are the most interesting young girl I have ever seen. As I watch you, it's like it never even occurs to you that people may not like you!"
I stopped in my tracks, wondering what in the world she meant.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
She repeated her observation, and so I asked, "Do I bother you?"
"No." She said with a smile, "I just think it is interesting how easily you mix with everybody."
I left the room thinking what a bummer it would be to spend my life worrying about whether or not everyone liked me.
Over the years however, I have realized that most people have some sort of this fear of rejection. They fear reaching out to other people because they are not sure they have any internal value to offer. People who fail to see value in themselves are quick to see the weaknesses in others as well. This sometimes comes off as a critical spirit, and it makes the people around them feel badly.
As a result, the critical, under-confident person may indeed be unpopular. The fear fulfills itself.
The Great Commandment teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves. There is nothing holy in not loving yourself. You cannot give away what you don't have, but you only get to keep what you give away.
Don't be afraid. God's love in you can not fail. If you get a revelation of how loved you are, it is easier to break the cycle of defeat.
And what about those people who really don't like you? Well, greater is the Love in you, than the hate in them! Choose the higher way -you'll know what to do.


1 John 4:19
We love because He first loved us.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

You Have Not Because You Ask Not

Yesterday while I was making dinner, my cell phone rang on my hip. The caller was one of my children, phoning from the bathroom down the hall. The toilet paper roll was empty and this child was requesting a refill - promptly! The other 3 siblings found this hysterically funny.

Personally, I am always proud when any one chooses to handle life's annoyances with creativity and humor.

How often do you and I face a situation of lack, and instead of just asking for what we need, we spend all of our energy getting annoyed and upset? Possibly, we just determine that our desire is out of reach.

I believe that nothing is out of reach, if you persist in faith and patience.

I currently have a desire to attend a conference in Seattle to take my Performance Coaching to a much higher level. This is because I want to effectively help thousands more people. The conference is on the 3rd weekend of October, and right now, attending looks out of reach.

I am asking my Heavenly Father to get me there. Since I am sharing it with all of you, you will see if I press through and lay hold of this one or not. Wow. I have not publicly shared an endeavor before it was reached.

For any of you who are also reaching for the impossible, GO FOR IT!

If at first you don't succeed, then try and try and try again. You may be surprised where your efforts take you, if your steps are indeed ordered by the Lord.

I want to leave you with a favorite Scripture today. I'll find a translation that does the best job interpreting the original Greek tense.

Keep the switch of faith turned on,


Luke 11:9-10 (Amplified Bible)

9So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you.
10For everyone who asks and keeps on asking receives; and he who seeks and keeps on seeking finds; and to him who knocks and keeps on knocking, the door shall be opened.

Luke 11:9 Charles B. Williams, The New Testament: A Translation: The idea of continuing or repeated action is often carried by the present imperative and present participles in Greek.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Posture of Defeat

"Strike three!"
The inning was over and the player headed to the dugout, head down, face tense and shoulders slumped.
Worse yet, as the team took the field, the posture on all of the players looked remarkably similar - defeated.
I turned into the loud-mouthed performance coach, "Get those shoulders back! Put your chins in the air!" But it was to no avail. The players had frustration coursing in their muscles. They could not bring themselves to act in a way that was inconsistent with their emotions.
Practice this exercise: Think of a specific time when you were feeling totally successful and victorious. Remember every detail as clearly and brightly as possible.
How did you stand? How did you breathe? What expression was on your face? What thoughts were you thinking just before your success?
Now stand up and remember a time you were totally frustrated and embarrassed. How did you stand then? How did you breathe? (Did you forget to breathe?) What expression was on your face just before your "crash?"
As you are reliving your frustrating moment, you should be able to feel the emotion of it.
Now, switch posture. Choose the empowering posture of your first memory - the great one. Just choose the posture and the breath, and the facial expression.
Did you feel a difference? You are the master of your fate. You can choose power at any moment. Chances are, you are perfectly equipped to face whatever it is that is confronting you right now.
Refuse to go at it in fear. Put your game face on.
Now, go play!

1 Corinthians 9:24
Run in such a way as to get the prize.

editor's note: the subject of this photo, Mr Jordan Parris, takes issue with being described as having "defeated posture" in this pic. He says that was not the case. (This is true, it was taken at a game where his team kicked some buns.) I say it was the only thing in my archives to stick up there. Sorry, go play!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Hero of the Story

My in-laws stopped by for a visit last week from San Diego. As they drove into our driveway, they were greeted by the twins. Matthew was wearing a shirt that said, "Robin Hood."
"Guess what." Matthew told them, "I was in a play called Robin Hood."
"You were? That is wonderful."
"Yes, and I was the HERO of the story!"
"The hero!" said Grandma. "You mean you were Robin Hood?"
"Well, no." He replied. "I was a skunk. Actually, I was Skunk Number Two."

You have to love a director who can convince a skunk that he is the hero of the story!

You are probably a hero to somebody. Today you can tell yourself, "I am the hero of this story!" And then create your day just as you desire.

We're going to Williamsburg Virginia for a week of baseball today. I will be a hero if I can stay cheerful with 4 kids in a car for 12 hours. Each Parris child will be a hero if he stays sweet. And the All-Stars will be heroes if they play like they know 3 digit heat.

Pray for us,