The Finished Work
Right now faith sees the thing desired as already finished. When Jesus died on the cross, His last words were "It is finished." What was finished? The work of redemption was finished. People often ask the question, "If there is God, and he is so good, why is there so much suffering in the world?"
There is suffering because sin came into this world in which we were created to rule and reign. Who brought in the sin? Man. What did sin bring - death and suffering, and the lordship of the thief, who comes only to steal, kill and destroy. That's the bad news.
The Gospel is Good News. Jesus Christ was the only man who could pay the price for all the sin...He was sinless. His blood came from the Father, from Heaven, it is eternal. He is all God and all man. When he hung on that cross, he took upon Himself all of the sin of the ages, and all of the wicked consequences of sin - sickness, poverty, shame, death.
Then he descended into hell and paid for it all, and rose again triumphant. He appeared very much alive for over 40 days after that, and said that "all authority in Heaven and Earth" had been given to him, and he delegated it to his followers. He would be their Head, but they would be his body in the earth. Then he went up to heaven in the clouds in front of over 500 people.
Why did he do all of that? He gave himself out of Love. To redeem His precious creation from the curse of the Fall, and the curse of the Law. This was to put His children back into the place of dominion for which they were created...back in fellowship with himself.
How sad that so many today live in the bondage of shortcomings and limiting beliefs. The work is finished. Everything you could ever need is already available for you. The only power the enemy retained was that ability to deceive the creation, and affect their faith.
I choose to believe! According to your faith be it unto you! Right now faith is the substance of things hoped for. Fear is the substance of things dreaded. Both create realities. The things unseen are much more real than what we see with our eyes. Everything we see with our eyes is subject to change. Only some things are eternal. You will be happiest when you focus the majority of your energy on those things that last forever.
Forever yours,
If you have Bible and want to study what I said, you will do well! Look these up: John 19:30, Hebrews 11:1, Genesis 3, 2Corinthians 4:4, John 10:10, Luke 4:6, Luke 10:19, Ephesians 1